The campaign by Joe Biden from his cellar promised that if he were elected he would unite America and reach out to both sides of the isle. There would be a new unity and bringing people together was his greatest priority. Well he was elected and the new unity has started to be realized by at least half of the country. One of Biden's prior statements was that Trump was acting like a dictator by using Executive Orders. I guess Biden has decided to be a bigger dictator than Trump since he has surpassed Trump by many the number of Executive Orders that he has signed. In fact he has surpassed all of the previous presidents in trying to rule by fiat.  I do not quite understand this action because he has both houses of Congress to pass his wishes but he can't wait or those pulling his strings such as Susan Rice and Valery Jarret are in a hurry to erase  anything that Trump did before anyone realizes that the country needed it.

     Some of the things that he has done do not make sense such as stopping the Keystone Pipeline. The Canadian oil will keep flowing but by train instead of through a pipe. Of  course as before trains derail and the oil will spill but who cares because the pipeline was anti green movement. The fact that the trains carrying the oil are owned by Warren Buffet probably did not have a lot to do with the order to stop the pipeline or the fact that Buffet was a huge contributor to the democrats during the last election. The increase of carbon emissions by the diesel train engines will actually add to our carbon footprint rather than reduce it. The price of the oil being transported will cost the consumer at least $20 a barrel more than it would have using the pipeline. But this doesn't matter to the left stopping the pipeline and destroying thousands of jobs was the intent. It is sad when politicians use popular ideas to destroy American lives to obtain their objective of power and dominion over others. The jobs lost with the pipeline and the reduction of oil exploration on federal lands will be magnified by the loss of businesses that supported those endeavors with further job loss. The total job loss could be closer to  millions when the trickle down effect is complete. This is not the really sad part of this action but the fact that most of the previous recessions were caused by rising energy prices and scarcity. So. lookout for the next real recession within the next 2 years. It will be accompanied by high interest rates and inflation that could come close to that during the Carter years.

     The order to limit deportations for 100 days which fortunately for us was halted by a federal judge  has started 2 convoys from central America with more forming. It is estimated that there are close to 100,000 people  in Mexico waiting to enter the US with another 200,000 waiting to enter Mexico for the journey north. If Biden's open border policy comes true we could see our population double within 10 years. It would not be an educated population but would contain gangs and criminals with it. The increase in democratic votes hoped for by the left would turn into most cities being run by gang violence as we are starting to see in  Portland and Seattle and the like. With defunded police departments and the lack of new recruits due to the constant denouncing of the police cities will be unable to defend themselves. The only recourse will be national guard troops and marshal law. Those that think that open borders is the answer to helping others will find that those that they wanted to help will be their biggest problem.

     People that think that other countries such   as China and Russia are peace loving and want good relations need to read a little bit of history. We are in a world wide competition and these countries are at our throats and ready to pounce. Trump's attempt to reverse this was noble but I'm afraid that this effort will also be reversed by Biden. The big multinationals want the Chinese slave labor to make their products with the transfer of their technology for payment. They (Apple, Google, etc.) will sell their mothers for profit and power and the left has granted them power for their contributions and gifts such as shutting down a former US President from social media. The ultra rich are now in charge of our country as we saw yesterday when Wall Street shut down buying of stocks to protect the insiders. The selling was  stopped to lower the stock price and aid the short sellers. This act was purely criminal and should be prosecuted but the left will protect the perps to keep receiving their donations. Cheap labor and insider stock trading is part of the problem and we the people are  paying the bills.

     The unity that we hoped would happen has been only for those that agree  with the left and suddenly the media and dems are calling 75,000,000 voters  liars and extremists. Nancy went as far as calling the republicans in Congress the enemy within. A CNN news reporter said that McCarthy's visit to see Trump about the impeachment was to "kiss his ring." With the main stream media spreading that it is no wonder that many Americans are at each other's throats. I never thought that I would see a time in our history when political preference could cause friends to become enemies or taunt each other with hate speech. I have only touched on Biden's orders and can't believe the damage he has done to this country already. I am afraid that a  continuance of the left to ignore the opposition will lead to disaster and may cause irreparable damage to this country .


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