john campbell library

by John

Commentary by John Campbell


  • Coup d'e.tat or Coup de grace

         I just wrote a blog about the incursion at the nation's capitol and here I am again.  The democrats had their Coup d'e.tat  after 4 years and a somewhat questionable election and you would think that they would be jumping for joy. Biden campaigned on bringing the country together and going across the aisle to heal the political divisions but apparently that is for later. Nancy and her democratic party want more. They want a coup de grace and complete destruction of Trump before he leaves office. My last blog accused the left of constant bullying and reasoned that it left a scar that will not heal soon. Now that they have won both houses and the oval office they are not happy but want to stomp on Trump and his 75,000,000 supporters. I have been hearing  once again that we are being called Nazis and again the ones doing the calling really do not know what a Nazi is. I grew up during WWII and remember exactly what they were and it is a little scary to see the parallels between the liberals and their co-conspirators the media's actions of late. Banning books from schools and shutting down media sites for conservatives are exactly what the Nazis did when they reached power. They were not happy with gaining power but continued to destroy anyone that disagreed with them and then the "Final Solution" came along, What is happening in this country right now is very scary to me and anyone that lived  through the war with the Nazis. The actions against President Trump in his last 9 days may have repercussions for years and this country may never recover to guarantee the freedoms we once enjoyed. The actions by a few at the capitol may be magnified if the coup de grace is carried out. As of now  Biden has decided to be president for,only, those that voted for him since he will not condemn further destruction of his political foes. What a shame!


         We have a new Supreme Court Associate Judge after we went through the process and then tried to destroy a complete family for political power. I have tried to understand how adults who are in government and the press could look at only that which fits their agenda and politics and not try to delve into the meat of the circus. The conservative news did not try to dissect the Democrats’ actions and just disagreed with their assumptions. Now that it is over, I have tried to look back at the complete scenario and tear it apart.

  • ELECTION 2020

         Four years ago, I went to bed on election night thinking that we had elected the first woman to be president. I woke up the next morning to find out that the polls had been very wrong, and Trump was the new president. It had been 68 years since the polls were drastically wrong. I was eleven years old, and the presidential race was the first one that I remember being aware of. My family went to bed sure that Thomas Dewey had defeated Harry Truman and would be the new president. We found out that we were wrong the next day, and Harry would continue to be president for the next four years. This is interesting, because I am writing this three days before the 2020 election and there is speculation that it may happen again. By the time you read this, the election will be over and the mystery that I am wondering about will be solved. Either the polls will be wrong again, or we may have to wait another 68 years for it to happen again. One pollster said that if Trump wins this time, against the polls, he (the pollster) may be out of business.


         During the last few days we have heard the candidates making their last pleas for our votes. Our president and three former presidents have also, been on the campaign trail trying to help their parties. While one would expect a lot of rhetoric from them I did not expect pure lies and accusations from former presidents and our present president. If you vote republican, you will destroy democracy, you will lose your Social Security and Medicare, etc. Pure hatred and divisiveness when we should be looking at the real problems. This is the party that has decided that a man can have a baby or abortions have been banned and one historian told us that our children would be killed. Felons are being let ot without bail and continuing to commit crimes with two recent murders in New York City. Chicago is seeing shootings and murders in the tens and twenties each week and New Orleans has become the murder capital with more murders per 100,000 people than any other city in America. It takes twelve months of salary to buy eleven months of food, clothing and shelter now but voting against those that are running our country into socialism will destroy democracy.  We can't destroy it because they have all ready done that. Voting against the destroyers is the only way to return to some normalcy in our country, reduce crime and stop runaway inflation. Two of our former presidents seem to be ready to continue the destruction and most of the media is enjoying it.


         I thought that I had written my last piece on Mr. Floyd’s death and the demonstrations that followed, but then the US Congress had a hearing with Attorney General Barr. I watched some of it and it was enough to make a person cry. The Democratic members would rant and rave at him, and when they did ask a question they refused to allow Mr. Barr to answer. They told him that he was infringing on their allotted time. Member after member attacked him with venom and complete disrespect. His abasement was complete, and the threat of removal from office by impeachment mentioned often. His crime was trying to enforce the rule of law, and the Democrats took the side of the rioters, looters, firebombers and those who were guilty of assault and even murder. The rule of law became a political scam that only the Republicans seemed interested in. They made the mayor of Portland a hero because he said the demonstrations there were peaceful. The constant attempt to damage the US Courthouse at 3:00 a.m. was not considered, and the federal policemen who are guarding it were called “storm troopers” after the Nazi Storm Troopers in WWII.


         If I were a news reporter and wanted to report truth without political bias I would start asking questions about the things that are affecting us the most. Right now the pandemic is affecting just about everyone but the news media and the Federal government are in lock step and each defends the other. The new mask wearing by vaccinated people is being propped up by the media by citing the raise in cases in Provincetown, MA. Its a joke because Provincetown is a very liberal city with a large gay population. and should have been following all of the Biden protocols but more than that it is a very highly visited tourist destination with main  street filled with shops and restaurants. I have been going there every year except last year and omitted it from my travels this year because of the rise in Covid cases. It is a perfect place for the spread of a communicable disease with crowds of people in very limited space. I would ask what the infectious rate was in New York or Pittsburgh to compare the rise of the delta variant. Both the government and the media are pushing the idea that even if vaccinated you are very vulnerable to the disease which makes it hard to ask people especially young people to get vaccinated. The media is perpetuating the disease by reducing those getting vaccinated by just backing up what the CDC is saying instead of challenging them.


         Last week an item on a Pittsburgh TV station news broadcast reported a school superintendent who was fired because of a DUI. I didn’t know the details, but he may have lost his job because he had a second glass of wine at dinner or maybe he just drank way too much before driving. Drinking and driving will be the subject of another blog, but that a person lost his job due to a single infraction where other remedies could have been made is the point that I want to make. Locally we have seen a police chief and a mayor lose their jobs due to minor infractions that many would not believe rose to the level of being fired. Some time ago, a friend of mine was fired from a local factory for not following a procedure correctly. He added a step that had been in the procedure before it was revised to speed up production. There was no harm to the product, the machinery or fellow workers. His supervisor did not like him, so he lost his job. The company lost twenty years of experience when they could have given him a written warning and retrained him. He made somebody irate and gave them a chance to get even for past grievances.


         The title says it all. After spending 2 trillion dollars on a supposedly stimulus bill Biden wants 2 trillion more for infrastructure and then about 2 trillion for jobs. He will have spent more in his first half year than the 2 previous presidents and all of it goes to the deficit.  Jobs bill is a joke and mainly a coverup for the green new deal. I will not capitalize it because it is purely a marxist agenda and does little to create jobs.


         After one week of fuming about the letter from the Methodist bishop and read by my pastor in church last Sunday, I am still at a loss why an educated man would run with such a blatant back stabbing event by a politician. Sen. Durbin repeated what he said he heard, but others in the same meeting heard it differently and one member said that most of the people in the closed door meeting were shouting profanities. The only reason for the bishop to run with this to discredit the president was to use anything he could to back up his preconceived conclusion that the president was a racist. He presented no other evidence or actions that he used to reach his belief.


         The midterm elections are finally over; well, almost, because there is still a runoff election later this year. It was one of the most interesting and boring at the same time with negative advertising beating out anything positive most of the time. The advertising was overwhelming with my telephone belonging to the politicians and not available for my use. I probably missed quite a few calls because I refused to answer it anymore. It rang twenty times a day and into the night waking me up many times. The mail was just as bad with ten to twenty large cards with political advertisements each day. The mail box was full. The television ads were constant, and because I live in West Virginia but receive Pittsburgh stations, we received double. Between Casey and Manchin, I have had enough negativity to last for a long time.


         Years ago, there was a president who was run out of office because he could not deliver the tapes he had recorded. Some minutes were missing, and he covered up a crime by his actions and words. Nixon resigned and the rest is history except the fact that both Republicans and Democrats agreed on his guilt. Today we have a memo that describes another situation that implicates the leaders of the FBI and a presidential nominee in a scheme to affect a national election, but there is no agreement between the parties to pursue the guilty and prevent this from happening again. The Republicans are pushing for all-out prosecutions, and the Democrats wish to cover it up and make it go away.


         Five years ago I started this BLOG due to the local paper's refusal to print my "Letter to the Editor" that rebutted another letter stating that our founding fathers were happy about the Affordable Care Act. The editor said that I could not rebut a professor emeritus of political science. Her side of the story is all anyone ever heard in this paper. I have tried to present factual information and have labeled my opinion when written as that. This morning I read a letter to the same paper that called the Republican plan put forth for this election as half-truths and lies. She continued to state that they wanted to put women in jail if they had an abortion and forgot that it is up to individual states to write their respective abortion laws. Because of Jan. 6, she states that republicans have no credit in trying to solve the crime problem and that they say the economy is bad because the low unemployment. Apparently, she has not bought eggs at $4or gas at $4 or found out that groceries have risen beyond many peoples' reach to feed their families. The boarder is not open, and the fentanyl problem is only by the citizens bringing it across the border for their own use. Apparently, she is unaware of 100,000 deaths from the drug in 1 year and most are young people.  She further states that Trump refused to sign an immigration bill but forgot that he tried to get the democrats to pass a dreamers bill that would lead to citizenship. 


         Our President just told the G-7 group that Global Warming was the greatest threat to our nation. He apparently did not hear the news of about fifteen years ago when the Global Warming became Climate Change because the earth had not warmed for fifteen years in a row. The temperature of the earth had stayed the same and that caused the Global Warming enthusiasts like Al  Gore to change the name to Climate Change to keep his theory alive and the money rolling in. NOAA or the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration decided to do something about the earth's temperature and changed the way they read the ocean buoy temperature reporting. They said that the readings were too low because of the water evaporating and causing a cooling effect therefore the temperature readings were interpolated higher than the actual reading causing the earth's temperature to rise all of a sudden. The fallacy in the maneuver was that it did not matter what or how the readings were interpreted but that they remained the same which would indicate that there was no change up or down. The change in reading satisfied those that had made Climate Change their religion and we are now seeing the world tasking us with future energy problems to solve it. It was really odd that Biden would tell the G-7 this since the USA is the only country that has continually reduced carbon emissions. During the Trump administration we reduced carbon in the atmosphere at a greater rate than we had promised to under former administrations but now this has become the greatest danger to us.


         When I wrote about VI, I did not mention abortion because there was already a chapter on the subject. While abortion is another form of humans killing humans, it deserves a greater space to discuss it. Perhaps another blog sometime.


         Yesterday was Sunday, and as usual I went to church. When I came back home, I sat in front of the TV to listen while I read the newspaper. The TV was tuned to Pittsburgh ABC, and I left it there to get some local Pitt news later. Martha Raddatz was anchoring for George, and I listened as she did the normal start to the Sunday show, which is about 10 minutes of negative Trump. Later she invited a panel on the show, of whom I knew none, but I did not care as I was still reading. The discussion started about impeaching Trump and caught my ear. For the next 20 minutes ABC News pondered when the left should start to talk about the upcoming impeachment. There was no discussion of “high crimes and misdemeanors” or any other reason for impeachment. By the way, impeachment means indictment—not conviction and removal. So many are being misled about the left’s intentions because they will not have enough votes in the Senate to convict—the same that happened to Bill Clinton. There was no discussion as to why there would be an impeachment but simply that there would be one and when was the best time for Democrats to talk about it. Mainly, it was discussed that such talk would help or hinder the mid-term elections, and as impeachment was a sure thing that was the only issue. Would talk of it help elect more Democrats or would keeping quiet about it help the election of Democrats?


         A few years ago some friends and I took our tailgate grill to a rally in Fairmont, WV. We cooked 1000 hot dogs and gave a monetary contribution to start Joe Manchin’s campaign for governor of West Virginia. His daughter worked with us, and he was a friend of our company’s president. We were family, and we felt that he knew the problems of both the working man and the business owner. Joe proceeded to become governor and did a decent job with a Democratic Party machine that was many years in the making.


         In 1771, the General Court of the Virginia Colony in Williamsburg heard an argument to remove Patrick Lunan, a curate, from his position in the Church of England because he was “of evil fame and profligate manners.” He stood accused of profane swearing, drunkenness, adultery, and exposing himself to his congregation in addition to neglecting his parish duties and his disavowed belief in Christianity. It was the first time that the state had taken a stand against the Church of England, which was the religion by law in Virginia.


         I recently read a letter to the editor in our local paper about why we should vote Democratic and get rid of Republicans because the Republicans were going to do away with Social Security. This was the first that I had heard of this but do remember that Democratic candidates have for many years claimed that they were the saviors of Social Security and their opponents would destroy it. I got on a few websites and did some research.


         A young woman just defeated a long-time congressman in New York and ran as a democratic socialist. Bernie Sanders came close to winning the Democratic nomination for president as a democratic socialist. What is a socialist anyway? If you ask around you will find many answers but not the true definition. At the same time we have many liberals calling those on the right fascists. But what is a fascist? Then we have the democratic and republican forms of government, but many do not understand what they are since we seem to have stopped teaching social studies and history in our schools. Let’s try to define these forms of government and put them in the right place in our country since we incorporate all of them.
        Democracy was first practiced by the Greeks and soon turned into something else since it is impossible to run a country with a pure democracy. With democracy, every citizen has to vote on every matter that arises, and it is impossible to have that many votes and communicate all of the issues to allow the vote. The next form is republicanism, which allows groups of citizens to be represented by one person, and they will do the voting on government issues for the group. This is our government, and the democracy enters in when all citizens vote to elect the representatives and the chief executive or the president.
        Socialism can be democratic when the government can be voted on by the citizens but the government owns most commercial entities in the state and runs them with government employees. An example is the government owning the movie studios and the actors would be government employees. I wonder if left-leaning Hollywood has ever thought about this. The difference between socialism and fascism is that in socialism the government owns all of the commercial entities but allows private citizens to run them. Fascism, as we know it, has a strong central government, which may include a dictator. Communism is socialism where everyone works for the government and receives the same compensation without regard to their skill level.
         Now we can start giving some examples of these forms of government and find out how they are all incorporated into our own country in many different ways. The most striking example of fascism was Hitler’s Germany. This government started as fascist but ended up as a pure dictatorship, which was ended by WWII. We see socialism in some of the European countries and, while some are pure socialist, most mix socialism with some form of capitalism to enhance their economies. There are no pure democracies, but there are many republican governments where they follow the US in many ways. Of course we remember the old USSR and its claim of communism, but it was actually a dictatorship with communism that offered incentives to the special few. It fell apart as all other attempts at communism have. One of the most famous tries was the Plymouth colony of pilgrims. After one year the communal living was abandoned because many received their equal portion but did not work to provide it. Many were living off of the few who were willing to work. Communism offers no incentive to achieve because there is no reward. Socialism is close, but since the would-be entrepreneurs cannot achieve through the business world they migrate to the place where they can achieve power and esteem. They become the rising stars in government. Most socialist governments grow until they are dictatorial, and eventually a dictator evolves. We see this in Argentina today.
         If one reads a little history, you will find that John Adams and Thomas Jefferson read every book available in English, Latin and Greek, and they studied all the forms of government that had been tried for the past two thousand years that had been recorded. It became apparent to both of them that no government had ever been successful for very long and most ended up in dictatorships. The Romans started as a republican government and ended with emperors. The Greeks started with democracy and ended with kings and dictators. Our forefathers established a government that allowed the citizens to continually determine their government through the Constitution and its ability to be amended. Unfortunately, the minority of citizens have found a way to short circuit that process by appointing judges who write law instead of interpretation of the law. We find many changes to our government that have been decreed instead of enacted through Congress. At the present, the Congress is allowing the president and judicial branch to determine immigration law instead of putting up a bill and voting on it. Our republican form of government works when the representatives actually work for the people they represent instead of the lobbyists who pay for their next campaign.
        So where are the different forms of government in our society today? We have democracy that elects our representatives and president. We, also, elect our city councilmen and county commissioners along with many others who make up our government bodies. The republican form enters when we send representatives to Washington, DC, and to our state houses to act for our benefit. But where is the socialism? Well, take a look at the city or county bus line. It is owned by the government and run by the government with government employees. The fascist form takes place in our modern medical system where the state, county or city owns hospitals and turns them over to private corporations to run them for profit although they are considered non-profit entities. All of these exist, and very few people know or care about it. The bus company could be a private company, and the hospital could still be a government run facility. There are private hospitals available in many areas, but they have little chance competing with the large state-owned facilities. Much of the cost of medical treatment is determined by these government-owned and privately run hospitals.
         So if you see a liberal call a conservative a fascist you might conclude that the liberal is much closer to being a fascist than the conservative. Probably neither of them knows what a fascist is and do not have the gumption to find out. If the argument has resorted to name calling, it is easy to believe that both have run out of vocabulary or brain power, or both.



         After 7 weeks I got a haircut. Since I’m bald, you might think that I probably didn’t need one, except that I had enough hair to make a Trump swirl. There were the 2 young women owners and another customer in a chair 10 feet from me at the hair salon. The shop had been closed for 7 weeks due to the governor’s orders, and the owners had not been able to receive any assistance though they had applied for a small business loan as soon as they were made available. They told me that they would have gone out of business if they did not have husbands who were working. When I was finished, they called their next appointment to come in. Last evening, my wife and I went to our favorite restaurant to eat. We were allowed to sit on their deck only, which was limited in seating. The rest of the restaurant was empty. We drank water out of paper cups and had a menu that was destroyed after we used it. The waiters wore face masks, and the tables were far apart. The restaurant had been closed except for takeout orders for 7 weeks with most of the staff laid off. Many of their competitors are going out of business because they could not survive 7 weeks of no income. My coffee shop has been closed except for takeout orders for 7 weeks and remains so along with many other shops and outlets.


         Central New York was a dairy farming region when I was growing up, and most farms were small and family owned. When I was in school many of my classmates had worked 2 or 3 hours before getting ready for school doing “chores” or milking their cows and feeding them. This was a real lesson in taking responsibility and learning a work ethic. I did not live on a farm but did so in the summers as my uncle had a dairy farm, and I worked on it from age 12 to 16 or until I could get working papers to work in the canning factory to make money for college. I also learned about work ethic and taking responsibility for yourself.


         The campaign by Joe Biden from his cellar promised that if he were elected he would unite America and reach out to both sides of the isle. There would be a new unity and bringing people together was his greatest priority. Well he was elected and the new unity has started to be realized by at least half of the country. One of Biden's prior statements was that Trump was acting like a dictator by using Executive Orders. I guess Biden has decided to be a bigger dictator than Trump since he has surpassed Trump by many the number of Executive Orders that he has signed. In fact he has surpassed all of the previous presidents in trying to rule by fiat.  I do not quite understand this action because he has both houses of Congress to pass his wishes but he can't wait or those pulling his strings such as Susan Rice and Valery Jarret are in a hurry to erase  anything that Trump did before anyone realizes that the country needed it.


         Thirty years ago the US Congress and administration gave amnesty and a path to citizenship to millions of illegal aliens and were going to close the southern border to future illegal immigration. The first part happened, but the border has remained open to cross illegally and to the smuggling of drugs and other contraband. Until the present, the presidents have vowed and tried to stop illegal entry into the US but to no avail until Trump came along. His message as he ran was to build a wall and close the southern border to all illegal traffic. After two years he is still trying to make good on this campaign promise, but the political swamp in Washington, DC, has stopped him at every attempt. Until now, the protection of an open border has been by both parties with lobbyists calling the shots. The cheap labor has won out, with the drugs and other problems with gangs and criminals being just the cost of doing business.


         Years ago there was rioting in the streets of Los Angeles over the beating of Rodney King by police.  It was an epic experience to see this on television every night on the news shows. The reaction to the beating was terrible for the city and the businesses that were ruined and then those involved were never prosecuted. The riots were for naught because nothing was ever done to reform the way police treated black defendants at the time. We have seen the continuation of these actions again and again in St. Louis, Baltimore and so on with calls for defunding the police and never really trying to understand the reasons that caused the riots in the first place. Burning your place of residence because you are mad at a  police department is kind of stupid. Destroying your neighborhood businesses and your neighbors' livelyhood is beyond stupid and is criminal but very few ever were charged for their crimes. In fact our new Vice-President helped to raise money to pay bail and fines of the rioters that were arrested and therefore giving approval to their actions. The city of Portland Oregon is still under siege and  has been for months with no call to end it by the democrats that are in power or the new President or Vice-President. President Trump's attempts to aid in the situation were repeatedly rebuffed by the governor and mayor. The riot continues and the people affected have no recourse but to move out of the area. The call from the left is  to approve the rioting and blame it on the police. As police funding has been decreased the crime rate has risen with no acceptance of responsibility by those making the decisions to reduce the police forces.


         What if things were different three years ago? What would our country be today? Have you ever asked yourself that question? Just after Trump took office, a friend who happens to be a college professor and liberal, asked me what I thought of Trump and why. I told him that when I started college at Syracuse University I had a new group of friends. As I was from upstate New York and grew up in a farming region, I was shocked to meet and live with young men from the New York City area. They were rude and crude next to the way I was raised and expected to behave. I had forgotten about this first encounter until Trump started to campaign. I was meeting my college friends all over again. So I told my friend this and explained that most of Trump’s language was the same as I had experienced as a freshman in college—in your face, rude and crude. I added that as I got to know my new friends I found them to also be sincere and trusting and became close to many of them. So, what if Trump had come from upstate and had been a politician who owed his rise to the top to other politicians and lobbyists as most of those running for the highest office are? Would he have been more acceptable to his political foes and many in his own party? You will have to answer this as you read because it is hard to imagine.


         It was 1943, and on my way home from the first grade I was attacked by three other kids from my class. I was a newcomer as we had moved closer to my parents’ work because of the gas rationing. I had been in a one-room school with three grades and now was in a city school with a room and teacher for each grade. I was an outsider, and some of my new classmates were not about to welcome me as part of their group. I was being bullied. This was new to me at six years old and coming from a small town proud of being part of the Underground Railroad with a third of the community being Black. My schoolmates were all considered friends. I was bullied again, in 1989, when l received a new project at work involving changing to a new computer system and software. The people who had been in charge of the IT system asked me out to lunch and proceeded to ask me to tell my boss that I was not capable of handling the new task, and it should be returned to them. I declined their offer and went on to complete the task on time and under budget. Their interference and refusal to aid in the project caused a lot of extra work and cost, but my team worked through it and provided the company with its first MRP system.