We have a new Supreme Court Associate Judge after we went through the process and then tried to destroy a complete family for political power. I have tried to understand how adults who are in government and the press could look at only that which fits their agenda and politics and not try to delve into the meat of the circus. The conservative news did not try to dissect the Democrats’ actions and just disagreed with their assumptions. Now that it is over, I have tried to look back at the complete scenario and tear it apart.

     Senator Feinstein somehow received a letter that was written by Dr. Ford and then leaked its contents supposedly. Since the senator refused to deliver the letter to the senate committee or anyone else, it is possible that there is no letter nor has there ever been a letter. If there is a letter, it must not contain the necessary information that would have caused the committee to react as it did. I would have thought that if the letter were a substantial indictment of the judge it would have been presented during the questioning phase of the hearings. Since it was not and was held until the last minute for its most effect, the purpose was to derail the judge by causing mayhem rather than proving that he was guilty of a crime when he was fifteen years old. The rest of the case put forward had to be carefully constructed by the Dems to make it impossible for the judge to refute the allegations with alibi due to the fact that Dr. Ford could not remember when or where it happened. Without a time and place it was impossible for the judge to say he was not there that day or at that house. Dr. Ford could only remember the things that seemed to hurt the judge the most—that he was one of the two boys that assaulted her. I’m not sure what kind of assault it was as she left the bedroom with her clothes still intact. The rest of the story was a delaying action, which should have told us that there was no evidence to back up Dr. Ford’s story or claims. Had her accusations been believable and backed up in any way, there would not have been a need for delaying the vote as the judge would have had to decline the nomination. This did not happen and, by trying to delay the vote until after the elections, proved that the Dems did not have the evidence they needed and, back to the letter, may have been less than certain that the boys who attacked her were the ones she named. We will never know until we see the letter, and the senator seems afraid to allow the public that choice.

     I understand the politicians and their need to keep their power but do not understand the riot type nature they became a part of to try to destroy an American family for their political benefit. It was an all-out assault on the judge, and we even saw a cartoonist make fun of his ten-year-old daughter wanting to pray for Dr. Ford. An even more egregious action by the press, to join a political party and echo the destructive rhetoric continually in their media posts, was unforgivable. The press has been given a special place in our democracy by the Constitution—to be there to stop this kind of hate and action of one party by reporting truth and by dissecting the actions taken by those in government to report to the rest of us and keep us informed. Unfortunately, we cannot believe the press anymore because their agenda has become more important than the facts of a situation or at least both sides of the argument. We hear only that which is told by the left and much of it is untruths and half truths. As with the president re-doing the trade agreements, there has been no attempt to explain the need to do so but just anti-Trump rhetoric. The Supreme Court is too important to play political games with, and it would have been beneficial for some of the press to really try to put the actions by both parties to the test for truth and accuracy. As of now, the American people will never know the truth about this judge and will not try to find out. Those on the left will continue to believe that he was guilty without a trial or any kind of judicial action, and those on the right will believe he is innocent of any crime. I do hope that those who believe a person is guilty because someone says so are not the ones who are accused one day and find out why we have a justice system that says innocent until proven guilty. Wishing for the demise of a family to win a political battle is evil, and we just experienced a lot of evil being brought into our society. It made me sick.


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