I have been reading the Old Testament Prophets lately and when I got to Jeramiah, I was surprised that he could have been talking to us today.  His message for the Jews was that they would have to stop worshiping their idols, stop throwing their babies into fire to satisfy their Canaanite gods and return to God's laws. If they did not do as he said they would be defeated and either killed or taken to a foreign country, namely Babylon. He foretold this many years before this actually happened. The problem that Jeramiah had was that there were many other prophets that disagreed with him and told only what the King wanted to hear which was the opposite of Jeramiah. It is the same today with most of the media hiding the truth and spinning stories to agree with one political party. Israel has been attacked again and the perpetrators have been killing innocent children and women with many taken hostage. We have seen daily rocket attacks into Israel from Gaza but most of the demonstrations are against Israel and for the terrorists including many of our most prestigious colleges. I have been amazed to see terrorism being applauded in our country by the so-called college elite including professors and administrators. The antisemitism is out in the open and alive in ways that have not been prevalent since Hitler. The most egregious thing was our Vice-President asking the US citizens to stop Islamophobia without mentioning the antisemitism or the Islamic extremists. At the same time the President was agreeing with Palestinian protesters.

     Jeramiah was right on about idol worship and baby sacrifice. We do not throw our babies into a fire; we just kill them before they are born. Our idols have become the old and sure greed, sex, and power. A former Whitehouse aide just declared that Magas and Christians are the greatest threat to our country while some of Congress are applauding the Hamas terrorists. There have been many that have tried to determine the day that the world would end, and Jesus would return. Miller did this a few times before he died but forgot as he started a new Church that Jesus told us the no one knows the time or the day or the hour. I'm not trying to determine this date either, but it does look as if we are getting closer than we have ever been. It is scary to be a Christian or Jew and see what is happening in the world today. As our memberships thin it is harder to find those that believe and will work to change things that affect our lives with evil and malice. I am worried about the future for my grandchildren because they will not have the same opportunities that I have had. Life is going to be different for our children and grandchildren unless they start listening to Jeramiah.

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