I grew up in a small town in central New York named Peterboro. The town consists of one square block with a village green on one street. There were and still are less than 200 people living there and it is still a small quiet bedroom community. While growing up there the surrounding area was small dairy farms which have mostly disappeared now. Many of the farms have been combined into large corporate farms and you can still see fields of corn and oats and barley. The history of this little town is large though since it was a center for the Underground Railroad before the Civil War. Garret Smith housed runaway slaves on the third floor of his mansion until he could provide travel to Canada. Any slave caught as a runaway had to be returned to their owner according to Federal law so Mr. Smith and anyone helping the slaves to escape were criminal and prosecuted if caught. As a child we learned about this and became proud of our heritage along with many of the ancestors of the freed slaves that lived there.


     When Joshua entered the promised land with the Israelites God instructed him to kill all of the inhabitants he encountered including men, women and children. He was to destroy everything and take no booty. He did not complete this request and made truces with some of the Canaanites and eventually the Jews intermarried with them. The idol Moloch required child sacrifice to gain his blessing and this was practiced by the Canaanites and intermarried  Jews. Child sacrifice has been part of Satin's plan since God allowed him his freedom to temp us. The modern version changed the sacrifice from  killing children to aborting them before they were born. It even has extended to aborting a child when partially born or soon after the birth. When Roe was overturned by the Court it told Satin that his idol Moloch was no longer a national God and could no longer require child sacrifice without a state's permission.


     When I started this Blog about three and a half years ago I wrote a four part series on "KILLING IN AMERICA" and to write this one I had to refer back to those for some insight into what has happened since. Nothing has happened except more killing and politicians trying to win votes over the incidents. There is still the rush to ban guns and especially assault rifles by the left and push back by the right. The NRA is continually trying to defend itself but is the only nationally recognized training ground for the use of guns. The Vice-President went to Buffalo to talk with those that lost loved ones to a shooting at a grocery store and the President went to Uvalde to console those that lost their children and teachers to violent gun fire. Biden said he wanted to tear down the school that  was involved and build a new one. The grocery store in Buffalo is closed now and the government is not going to build a new one. The killing still goes on with no answers to the root causes.

by Righties