Years ago, there was a president who was run out of office because he could not deliver the tapes he had recorded. Some minutes were missing, and he covered up a crime by his actions and words. Nixon resigned and the rest is history except the fact that both Republicans and Democrats agreed on his guilt. Today we have a memo that describes another situation that implicates the leaders of the FBI and a presidential nominee in a scheme to affect a national election, but there is no agreement between the parties to pursue the guilty and prevent this from happening again. The Republicans are pushing for all-out prosecutions, and the Democrats wish to cover it up and make it go away.


     After one week of fuming about the letter from the Methodist bishop and read by my pastor in church last Sunday, I am still at a loss why an educated man would run with such a blatant back stabbing event by a politician. Sen. Durbin repeated what he said he heard, but others in the same meeting heard it differently and one member said that most of the people in the closed door meeting were shouting profanities. The only reason for the bishop to run with this to discredit the president was to use anything he could to back up his preconceived conclusion that the president was a racist. He presented no other evidence or actions that he used to reach his belief.


     This morning I heard some hearsay from the pulpit. Our minister read a missive from the head bishop, Bruce Ough, about the Trump meeting behind closed doors in which one of the members reported that the president had said that people from some countries were “shit holes.” The minister did not say shit but let us know what he meant. The missive went on calling the president a racist and other names and that we as a church did not condone his actions. The reading ended with a prayer for the president, which I partook in.


     I watched the White House daily press chat with Press Secretary Sanders the other day. It is not one of my favorite things, and I usually do not see it. But, with temperatures in the single digits and snow and ice covering the ground, I decided to stay indoors. Sarah started out with a statement and then proceeded to take questions from the gallery. I would assume that if you are included in this pool of reporters you would be associated with one of the major news outlets such as newspapers or television networks.


     The New Year always brings a feeling of hope that many of the problems of the previous year will be solved. Believe me, this covers a lot of problems from political to football. We hope that the two-party system will return to actually working to solve many of the issues that are before us and have been unsolved due to one party or the other blocking their place on the agenda. With the new president last year we have seen the Democrats completely block all legislation that was possible and refuse to take part in any of the discussions brought to the Congress by the Republicans. The tactic has been a power struggle and attempt to damage the new president as he tries to implement the issues he was elected to work on.

by Righties