Thirty years ago the US Congress and administration gave amnesty and a path to citizenship to millions of illegal aliens and were going to close the southern border to future illegal immigration. The first part happened, but the border has remained open to cross illegally and to the smuggling of drugs and other contraband. Until the present, the presidents have vowed and tried to stop illegal entry into the US but to no avail until Trump came along. His message as he ran was to build a wall and close the southern border to all illegal traffic. After two years he is still trying to make good on this campaign promise, but the political swamp in Washington, DC, has stopped him at every attempt. Until now, the protection of an open border has been by both parties with lobbyists calling the shots. The cheap labor has won out, with the drugs and other problems with gangs and criminals being just the cost of doing business.


     Got a call from my cell phone carrier the other day, and they offered me a deal on a new iPhone. I went to the store the next day to get the new phone, and then the marketing happened. After picking out the new phone and getting ready to transfer the data, the salesman mentioned that the phone I thought I was buying for half of the price listed was a lease and after the eighteen months of payments I would have to finish paying the other half for the phone or turn it in. The deal offered was no deal. I felt that, after praising me for being a good customer for fifteen years and being deserving of a deal, I had been used by a large company to sell a cell phone. I left the phone on the counter and walked out. I am looking at a different carrier but suspect that they will be the same in their marketing or, really, scams to sell new phones.


     The midterm elections are finally over; well, almost, because there is still a runoff election later this year. It was one of the most interesting and boring at the same time with negative advertising beating out anything positive most of the time. The advertising was overwhelming with my telephone belonging to the politicians and not available for my use. I probably missed quite a few calls because I refused to answer it anymore. It rang twenty times a day and into the night waking me up many times. The mail was just as bad with ten to twenty large cards with political advertisements each day. The mail box was full. The television ads were constant, and because I live in West Virginia but receive Pittsburgh stations, we received double. Between Casey and Manchin, I have had enough negativity to last for a long time.


     We have a new Supreme Court Associate Judge after we went through the process and then tried to destroy a complete family for political power. I have tried to understand how adults who are in government and the press could look at only that which fits their agenda and politics and not try to delve into the meat of the circus. The conservative news did not try to dissect the Democrats’ actions and just disagreed with their assumptions. Now that it is over, I have tried to look back at the complete scenario and tear it apart.


     I wrote an article about an illness that I have been dealing with and used it to express some thoughts about the “Affordable Care Act.” The other part of this story is my relationship with my God, and suddenly it became important to me to tell the rest of the story. During the last days of my symptoms and before I had a diagnosis, I was sitting down and wondering what was going on with my health. At 80 years old, one does think about longevity now and then. As my depression increased I suddenly felt warm and was turned to think about a friend who was also having a problem. I became aware that I was being pushed to think about someone else rather than myself. I was going to be all right. I had just experienced Jesus answering my prayers with a push to help someone else. I had seen and felt the Good present in the Universe.

by Righties