My wife and I had a great Thanksgiving with family in central Ohio. There was food, wine, movies, football and, of course, shopping. We gave thanks for our blessings through prayer. As we drove home, I started to think about blessings and wondered if the reporter that compared Trump with Charles Manson was thankful for anything or was the reporter that went after Pres. Obama’s daughter thankful for anything. Were the NFL players who knelt during the national anthem thankful for anything since they seem to dislike the country that gave them the chance to make millions playing a game?


     My wife is upset today because her soap operas are not being recorded. The local CBS channel has blocked Dish from receiving their signal, and since I have Dish satellite services I will not get this channel until their dispute is settled. I did not record NCIS last evening either, which makes me upset. Not upset with Dish but with the channel that suddenly I cannot receive. It happened before with NBC and then ABC and, while I do not understand the negotiations taking place, the bottom line is that the customer is paying the price until it is resolved. I could put up an antenna and get the channel, which is aired free, but when I pay another party to transfer a cleaner signal to my home I have to pay for the signal (Dish) and also the free signal, which is not free anymore. I really do not understand why a TV station would charge for its free signal when that distribution greatly enlarges its area for broadcast and advertising. It would seem that they should be paying Dish for the service.


     A teenager takes a knife to school and slashes as many of his classmates as he can. A man parks a truck full of fertilizer and fuel oil in front of a federal building and blows it up. A man shoots everyone he sees from a tower on a college campus. A young man kills his 4-month-old daughter because she is crying. We have seen this over and over again and still are surprised when it happens. Killing a large number at one time is sensational, but killing a large number one or two at a time gets very little air time in the media. There have been 600 killed in Chicago this year but very little coverage in the national media. It would be terrible if ratings were the cause of the difference in coverage.


     The killer burst through the door and shot everyone he saw. Old, young and even the unborn were gunned down and left as he proceeded to go to the next victim. He was chased away by a neighbor of the church and followed until he crashed his vehicle. Those left alive and the wounded were scarred for the rest of their lives. It was the same as Las Vegas and Florida, with a madman committing an atrocity beyond belief.


     There were no terrorist ties locally or foreign. Why then would anyone want to kill innocent people who were in church? The killer had a history of problems, including trouble while in the US Air Force for which he served time in jail. He escaped from a mental facility so apparently he was being treated for a mental disorder. Why wasn’t he caught and replaced in the mental facility? Why wasn’t his history available during his background checks? So many questions but only a few answers.

by Righties