The sermon this week was about Jesus giving his peace to his disciples and that it meant for us to live in peace until he returned. Peace toward our neighbors and even our enemies. What a world it would be if that were to happen.  I also continued to read the Old Testament and Micah was prophesying that the Kings and leaders of the Temple were complicit in Idol worship even though they went through the processes of worship. They had traded God for greed and power. So the sermon you won't hear is about our Church leaders and our country's' leaders


     Last Sunday the sermon started with the 2 commandments given by Christ as the most important. "Love God with all your heart, and with all your soul and with all your mind. Love your neighbor as yourself."  The sermon went on from there asking us to follow these commandments.  The sermon you did not hear was love your neighbor that agrees with you and lives at the same social level or higher. Don't worry about those that you don't see or need your help to survive. This is the way most of us live today and cannot see all of the people around us that are poverty stricken or in need of medical care that they cannot afford. We hide from the addicted and those that have little or no education because of where they grew up or the lack of family when they were children. We don't see those that work hard but earn less than they need to buy food, rent and clothing. They may give up food to pay for rent or medicine and have little chance of a better life style. 


     I heard 2 sermons last week, one on Christmas Eve and the other on Sunday. Both were very good with the first about the Jesus birth story and how it was a lot messier than we depict it today and the second about taking Jesus with us as we leave Church and let others see him through us. Another Christmas story was on the news and told about the family that was shopping in Walmart but their credit card was rejected. The woman ahead of them overheard the  problem and paid for their purchases. It was a nice story and gave the family a better Christmas than they would have had otherwise. 

by Righties