Well, it has happened. We have been exposed to socialism/fascism. The pandemic has given our elected leaders the power to regulate our businesses and lives like never before. The liberal left is trying to prolong the shutdown probably to cripple our economy to prevent Trump’s reelection. But their objective of turning us into a socialistic society has come true. I went to church this morning in spite of our ministers’ telling us to stay home and watch them on YouTube again. The church was open, and I had to be tested and complete a questionnaire, with my printed name and signature, that included my temperature (97.1) before being allowed in. The pews were taped off with every third pew available. Each pew had tape separating it into thirds, making only the ends available to sit. The woman who sang during the mock collection wore a mask as she sang though there was no one within 20 feet of her. The ministers stayed away from those of us who attended when we left the church. I belong to a very liberal church, and when Trump asked for the churches to become essential and open their doors, I expected ours to defy that recommendation. They did. Closing churches is wished for by only one entity and that is Satan. He has succeeded for a while. What is really odd is that I have been able to walk into Walmart, drugstores and grocery stores with only the store trying to limit the number of people allowed in. I’m shopping with a hundred other people, with many not wearing masks and picking up fruits and vegetables with their hands and putting them back with no effort to sanitize them or protect the produce from touching. With 2 Walmarts and many groceries and drugstores, our incidence of viral infection has remained low—with most cases being in nursing homes.

     The media has not helped by giving us factual reports but rather has taken an anti-Trump position on most items being reported. One case is his use of hydroxychloroquine as a prophylactic. I take an old anti-cancer drug in an off-labeled use to contain a disease for the last 2 years. Many others do the same. The media has become more knowledgeable than the medical doctor who prescribed the president’s drug? First they want everything based on science; then, when that does not fit their agenda they become the scientists. The media has been blasting the president about testing but has no knowledge what testing is all about. Testing those who are ill is needed to classify and treat their illness, but testing people who are not sick only tells them their condition at the time of the test. They may be negative at the time of the test and positive the next day. The antibody test that has started to become more available will tell us who has had the disease and is now immune. Of course a vaccine will protect us for the future. Until then, it is the responsibility of every person to take precautions about their interactions with others.

     To illustrate the liberal mind, which has made their politics a religion and will try to make every incident back up their beliefs, I read a letter to the editor in our local paper the other day. Cindy was drubbing the Republicans and started her letter by saying that President Reagan taxed Social Security to pay for his tax cuts for the rich. She went on about issues and problems that we have today being caused by Republicans, but she got it all wrong. The 50% tax on Social Security was started by President Johnson to help fund his Great Society, which was a massive welfare program that is still haunting us today and responsible for the huge inner city poverty. She neglected to say that the tax was raised to 85% by President Clinton. This is an example of the liberal mind bending the truth to back up their wished-for liberal stand. The media has been a key part of the pandemic reactions by the public and, when it has been factual, has helped. But, when its liberal agenda has interceded they have caused havoc and prolonged much of the misery we are seeing today. Some of the governors have done a good job, but when Cuomo sent sick elderly people into nursing homes he pronounced a death sentence on many. Politicians have failed badly when they have tried to be scientists. The Michigan governor has become a complete tyrant and used her emergency power to excess. Her “subjects” have rebelled. Many of the governors have treated the sparsely populated counties the same as the cities and failed to consider the threat of the disease in both places. Because of this, many small businesses have gone out of business and probably will not re-open. A politician who knows it all is one of the most dangerous people in the world.

     Somehow we have to rid ourselves of this socialistic takeover and return to good old common sense USA. We are celebrating Memorial Day and all of those who have given their lives to create and preserve this great nation. Don’t let a slimy politician take it away.


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