We have an illegal migrant problem in this country and how to deal with it varies with to whom you are talking. The present administration has started a deportation program to first remove those that have committed crimes and are dangerous living in our communities. After their removal it is supposed that others that have received notices that they are to be deported and others that have overstayed their visas will go. Who knows what will happen after that action. I am confused as a Christian about what should be done with the illegals that have not caused any problems with crime or drugs but seem to simply be trying to seek a better life. I do know that because of the way they came into the country that they will never be able to achieve citizenship.
Being a Christian I have a hard time criticizing any denomination that is working to bring Jesus Christ to everyone within their reach but lately I have had to change that position. I recently heard a Roman Catholic Priest describe our new Vice President as using Christianity to make a case for mass deportation and then to proceed to tell us that we should give mercy to those that came here illegally and let them stay. I was appalled and waited for the message about the thousands of missing children or the number of drug deaths or the killing of our citizens by the illegal gangs. I do believe that it is our mission to help those in need but aiding and abetting people to commit illegal acts is not part of our mission.
I hate to say this but the Pope in his Vatican which is surrounded by a wall has condemned the mass deportation of illegals in the USA. The American Bishops have followed suit and had the message carried into the Churches. One problem is that the Catholic church has received millions of dollars from the US government to aid and abet those same illegal aliens as they cross our border with cell phones, money and transportation. Closing the border and deporting these same persons will dry up that money flow. The Church became an agent of the government and stopped being a Church when they accepted money.
The bigger question is why do these aliens that entered our country illegally suddenly need the Church's protection when most of them came from mainly Roman Catholic countries. Why didn't the Church help them in their respective homelands with passports, visas and work permits? Why didn't the Church aid those needing asylum help them to escape to another country that would have been safer for them? Why did these people seeking asylum not seek it in Mexico rather than continue onto the USA? The Church's action has been the same as prescribing an opiate to stop pain for a short time and then cause the patient to become a drug addict. Their actions have caused many aliens the reverse of what they seek and that is citizenship in the USA because when they broke our immigration laws, they removed themselves from any chance of being a citizen. It reminds us once again that the love of money is evil and, in this case, has caused a great Church to aid people after they really needed it. During this Homily about the illegals there was no mention of the homeless in our community or the people that have problems getting enough food to feed their families. Perhaps they would recognize this problem if the state offered to pay them.
We need this Church and all of the others to get back to Jesus Christ and teach the lessons that he would have us teach and that is all countries that we exist in. Stepping up to the plate when we are paid to do so is not part of the Christian ethos. May GOD help us all.