Many years ago, I worked for a Ford dealer trying to sell cars. It was 1958 and we were in a recession with many car dealers going out of business, but I learned the car business the hard way. I did not sell very many cars but did find out that buyers were as devious as the dealers during the sales process. Some would show up with old tires on their car or the radio would be missing. My worst problem was trying to be truthful with the customer. One time a customer asked me about a used car that they were interested in, and I told him that I had not driven the car and did not know much about it. My boss did not care for that very much and the used car in question became my new demonstrator until I sold it. After one year I decided to go back to college if I ever wanted to make a living.

     So why does this matter today? I have used my experience every time I have purchased an auto since. A BMW dealer told me that if I paid cash for a new car, I would be charged $3000.00 more than if I leased it. I bought a Mercedes that year. But back to the present and why I am writing this. My Sister who lives in upstate New York wrecked her car before Christmas last year. It was totaled and she told me that her insurance gave her a rental for 30 days. Later that week she called to tell me that she had bought another used car, and her rental was taken away after a few days. She needed a car. She told me the make and model and the year and that the price for the car was a little less than $24,000.00. I asked her the name of the bank that financed it and she did not know. I called the dealer to get this information, and they told me. I called the bank with the expectation of paying off the loan but was surprised that the finance figure was almost $31,000.00. I was shocked that $7000.00 had been added to the initial price so called the dealer again to find out why the huge increase. I was told that my sister bought an extended warrantee plus a Lo-Jack system. She also bought a ceramic wax job for $399.00 and then the tax was figured on the total cost. When queried about the Lo-jack system and wax job I was told that they equipped every new and used car with the Lo-Jack system and also applied the wax job to every new and used car. My sister had not asked for or even given a chance to add these items to her used car but was talked into them as if she were needing them. My Sister is 84 years old and this is the first car she had bought since her husband passed away. She had been taken advantage of and paid almost 30% more for her car than it was worth.

     The dealer refused to refund any of the extra cost of the car, so I contacted the New York State Attorney General's office and received a form to fill out for a complaint. I filled it out and sent it to the office indicated. I have not heard anything yet but do know that the dealer will be asked to explain their side of the transaction. My complaint was that if the equipment and car finish was on every car on the lot then the price on the windshield should have indicated the true price and not been considered addons later during the transaction. I may not get any renumeration from the dealer but may save future buyers from the same scam. I did pay off her car loan and she is able to get to her appointments again. I did ask her why she got the Lo-Jack system and she asked me what it was for. I told her that an Apple Tag would have done the same thing for much less. BUYER BEWARE!


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