Killing an insurance executive will not change how our medical insurance is administered. Obama care gave the medical establishment and insurance business avenues to federal dollars that made many wealthy. I'm writing this because of the most recent quest by the insurance industry to sell medical plans especially Medicare advantage plans. For a couple of months we have been bombarded on every TV channel with ads to change our insurance plans. Humana has been one of the most prevalent ads and I have wondered how a medical insurance company could spend millions on advertising and still offer almost free medical care with eye, drug and hearing benefits. I bought some ads on a morning TV show a few years ago and had to pay over $4,000.00 for 30 seconds, If you add out the Humana ads it has to approach tens of millions of dollars.
A few years ago my sister-in-law passed away after suffering for years of dementia. 6 months after her death and after her will had been probated I received bills from her doctor and a radiology group. They said that Humana had taken back the money paid to them because Humana said that Hospice should have paid those bills. Many calls to Humana resulted in sarcastic responses so I called the Medicare number given on their web site. A gentleman answered and I related the story of Humana taking their payments back after 6 months post mortem. He said that he would look into it. The next day I received a call from Humana requesting that the bills they had rejected be re-sent to them and they would pay them. When I told the doctor's office about this they said that this was the first time that Humana repaid the bills that they had previously rejected after being paid. The total of the bills was about $2'000.00.
After seeing the constant advertising by Humana I wondered how many paid bills had been rejected to cover their promotion cost. I, also wondered how many rates could have been reduced or how many rejected claims could have been paid for or why is our government allowing a private company to use federal funds given for medical treatment, for promotion and advertising. I wondered how many people that can't afford medical insurance could afford it if all proceeds were used for medical treatments alone. and after it all I wondered how many Senators and Congressmen are the beneficiaries of the Insurance lobby and will not do anything because of their need to receive re-election money. It seems that everything comes down to money and who gets it first. Shame on us.