The world is covered with the tears of Jesus Christ as we once again repeat history. I’m not talking about recent history but the 4000 years of recorded history. When the Israelites entered the Promised Land, Joshua was told by God to destroy all of the idols of worship and all of the idol worshipers. It was never completed, and after years of fighting the Philistines, the idols won. Well the Philistines are back, and they have brought the Canaanite Gods with them. Molech is the God who required child sacrifice and is at every abortion clinic. Ashteroth is the Goddess of fertility and is at every presentation of free sex in our entertainment. The idols are back and being worshiped once more. The degradation of our society has happened very quickly, and as Pastor Junius said last Sunday the Devil plays for keeps. We are seeing the complete breakdown of civil authority, and one political party is urging it to keep going. Hatred is rampant and so invasive that people are attacking statues of people who wrote our history. You have to be quite desperate to attack a chunk of stone for satisfaction of your hatred. Yes, the Philistines are back, and we have yet to learn anything about governing ourselves.
The revelation of God to man has been long and eventful over the many years since Abraham became known to him. I believe God is still trying to reach man and communicate his wishes to him. One of these revelations came with the advent of our country, and I truly believe that the USA was started as a last trial for man to show God that he could govern himself without kings and queens. The Founders were picked and proceeded to start a new experiment of self-government with a freedom never found before in the world. Man could worship as he pleased or not. The Catholics could leave Maryland without persecution, and the Quakers could visit Virginia three times without being hanged. I believe God picked the Founders because they proceeded to create a country with Judeo-Christian ethics and morals. Most were educated in religious schools and carried their religious ethics into the country’s creation with equality and freedom for all. (I would suggest that anyone disputing this read the first draft of the Declaration of Independence found at the Monticello website.) It took another 90 years to bring equality to the slaves, but this is the first country in history that tore down the idea of enslavement and a caste system, which existed in most other countries. The idea of a ruling class and peerage was eliminated, and the young man with no connections could rise to a level never before thought of in society. This was the last chance for man to finally express himself and do God’s work to help others, which this country has done throughout its history freeing slaves, fighting the two world wars and trying to preserve peace and freedom in many other countries. Not all have been successful but the cemeteries are full of dead Americans who gave their lives to help others.
The idea that a historical figure committed a sin during his lifetime and the statue of that figure has to be removed is ludicrous. I would ask those committing the removal to show me their lack of sin and hatred. There was one man that was sinless and that was Jesus Christ. The rest of us are flawed in some manner, and that includes the men and women who have built this country. The ones running the country are also flawed and even more so than the Founders. The first presidents left office after one or two terms and went back to their homes and farms. They did not think of their time in public service as anything other than service, and it was never pursued as a life-time occupation as it is today. Today’s politician becomes drunk with power and cannot give it up. Their power increases as their tenure increases, and the sobriety of the politician is never seen again. The power takes over and the voters act like lemmings as they continue to keep them in office for a few favors. And, the lobbyists, they are owned by the pharmaceutical associations, the AMA, the ABA, the hospital associations, industry looking for cheap labor and the labor unions. We cannot get any change in our schools because of the unions, and the Democratic Party backs them. Loss of union dues means fewer political contributions to the Democrats. Reelection is more important than education, as is reducing the litigious actions of our courts. We sue everybody for everything but only if there is a big payday. The person harmed by a gay scout leader is not sued because there is not enough money, so we sue the whole Boy Scout organization and care nothing about destroying the chances for future boys to enjoy the scouts. The evil that has crept into our society, with complete disregard of destroying families and the future of this country, is pervasive and becoming almost non-reversible. We have mayors and governors who have sided with rioters and allowed the destruction of business areas and the lives of many hard-working people for political reasons. It has to stop if we are to continue as a free country.
We are being told that there is systemic racism in this country. A former football player even said that the Fourth of July was a celebration of White supremacy. He needs to get real because the non-Hispanic White man is in the minority now. If there was systemic racism there would not have been a Black president. There would not be Black mayors in most of the large cities and Black councilmen and women or Black Congress people. I would not listen to a Black news anchor on TV if racism was systemic, and there would not be hundreds of Black millionaires playing professional sports and being watched by millions of fans. Racism does exist in individuals, and it is on both sides as we see now. Streets being painted with racist messages and racist groups like the BLM have shown us that systemic racism is more racist against White police officers than the police could ever be. But then most of the metropolitan police departments are actually made up of a majority of non-White officers. The fact that a presidential candidate can tell a Black Republican that they aren’t Black if they don’t support Democrats is racist in itself. Apparently he and many of the Democrats believe that the Black race has been bought and paid for. Well they have to learn that skin color does not determine the morality and ethics of an individual and should not matter at the polls. Color-blind politicians are needed, and using the excuse of race to not succeed has been removed with the election of a Black president whom was voted for by a majority of White people. A good education and hard work cannot be replaced with excuses that others have hindered a person’s success. We all have had to work through snags and others that got in our way, but we continued to work to achieve our goals. Every one who thinks that they cannot get a fair shake in this country should read C. Rice’s book Extraordinary Ordinary People. It is a truly great story of her success story when there was systemic racism in this country.
The successful Black man or woman should salute the Founders with their flaws and all of those who have given their time and effort to constantly make this country a better place to live from George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, John Adams to Dr. King and Rosa Parks. Without any of them, we might still be living with a caste system of peerage and dictators. There are ways to change our Constitution and trying to do it any other way is treason. It is time to chase the Philistines out of our midst again and return to the Judeo-Christian ethos. May God Almighty help us all.