About twenty-seven hundred years ago, two battle lines were drawn on opposite hillsides with a valley between. One side had iron weapons while the other did not. The first to move into the valley to attack would be slaughtered when they were in the open so it was reasonable that neither moved but tried to outwait the other side. Days passed until the iron-wielding side offered a plan to decide the outcome without killing most of those fighting. The Philistines would send their champion into the middle of the valley to meet the champion picked by the Israelites. King Saul had to make a decision that could determine the fate of his future and the future of the Hebrew nation. A young boy stepped forward and offered to be the champion to meet the giant waiting for him. His name was David, and we do not know how big or tall he was—only that he was about to meet a giant who was nine feet tall or thereabouts. It did not make any sense to send a boy into a grown man’s fight, but there seemed to be no alternative. I’m sure that most of the Israelites did not think there was any chance that they would be the winners in this battle. A young boy against a giant did not seem to give them much of a chance, but the king went forward with David’s offer. We all know the outcome from our Sunday School lessons, and it still is a lesson that we need to remember. A small boy with a sling and a stone felled the giant and then chopped off his head with the giant’s sword. The battle was over, and David saved the day.

     Many years later—even centuries—the Israelites and the Philistines were still fighting. When the Israelites turned away from the God of Abraham, they lost the battles until they were finally exiled from their country. It took until the twentieth century for them to return and reclaim their country, and they are still having to fight to keep it. We, on the other hand, have been blessed to have a country that was founded with the Judeo-Christian ethic and the Ten Commandments as the basis of our new laws and way of life. A country was founded with the ability to change when needed, and it did often as the slaves were freed and women were allowed to own land and later vote. We have seen constant change to further the freedom and respect for all people without regard to their color, religion or national heritage. This does not mean that we have changed the minds of all of our citizens to respect everyone else, but the laws have been written to enforce the concept. During the last century, we have seen two world wars and many smaller wars. Many of us thought that we were fighting against the forces of evil or the modern-day Philistines. We were trying to preserve both the Judeo-Christian ethic and morality. It has become more of a battle within than outside of our country. The Philistines have invaded us with a full battle group and not just one champion. Our way of life has been threatened, and the Ten Commandments have been thrown out the window. Though shall not kill unless it is a human baby before or during birth. Deviant sexual practices that used to be against the law have been deemed somewhat normal and even given a license to do. The golden calf that was worshiped by the pagans against the Israelites is still present. Greed and power grabs by politicians are the norm now.

     It saddens me that we have just voted for all of the above, and the Philistines have won again with their complete disregard for our religious freedom. The last time they were in power, they forced Catholic nuns to pay for birth control and then fought them vigorously in the courts. They have fought the nomination and approval of judges who were neutral in their decisions and relied on written law to guide them rather than try to legislate new law from the bench as we have seen done so many times recently. Instead of freedom of religion and freedom of speech, we are being led to forget religion when in the workplace, and the only speech allowed is that which agrees with the left-leaning politicians and colleges. I am saddened that the American people have given up on the idea of working hard and creating a better life rather than taxing the rich for programs that give the poor a stipend that allows them to live but keeps them subservient. Slavery has returned, and we are voting to maintain it.

     The Philistines and their neighbors have returned and brought their pagan gods with them. Dagan, Astorah, Baal etc. are back and requiring child sacrifice, greed and deviate sexual freedom with the government paying for it. Those who still are trying to live within the Judeo-Christian ethic and practice their religion have been made to accept the new way or be sued or even lose their business or job. The freedoms that so many have given their lives for have been corroded to the point that it may be nearing the time when we too shall see complete domination and exile. When the Jews turned away from God, they were defeated, and when they returned to God, they won their freedom back until they stopped turning to God. We see that in our own society, and the virus pandemic has given Satan the tool he needed to close our churches, synagogues and mosques. Saturday I went to Walmart and it was full of shoppers—as was the next store—and then on Sunday, after church, I went to Sam’s Club and a sporting goods store; they were both full of shoppers. The church I attended had about 30 people in the congregation, and last week my church had about 5. The minister was turned toward the side of the church and preached to a camera on the wall. I had to have my temperature taken and sign my name to enter after washing my hands. Satan has done a good job of separating us from our churches, and unless we get back to worshiping our God, we will end up as Israel did many years ago. May God help us.




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