Years ago there was rioting in the streets of Los Angeles over the beating of Rodney King by police. It was an epic experience to see this on television every night on the news shows. The reaction to the beating was terrible for the city and the businesses that were ruined and then those involved were never prosecuted. The riots were for naught because nothing was ever done to reform the way police treated black defendants at the time. We have seen the continuation of these actions again and again in St. Louis, Baltimore and so on with calls for defunding the police and never really trying to understand the reasons that caused the riots in the first place. Burning your place of residence because you are mad at a police department is kind of stupid. Destroying your neighborhood businesses and your neighbors' livelyhood is beyond stupid and is criminal but very few ever were charged for their crimes. In fact our new Vice-President helped to raise money to pay bail and fines of the rioters that were arrested and therefore giving approval to their actions. The city of Portland Oregon is still under siege and has been for months with no call to end it by the democrats that are in power or the new President or Vice-President. President Trump's attempts to aid in the situation were repeatedly rebuffed by the governor and mayor. The riot continues and the people affected have no recourse but to move out of the area. The call from the left is to approve the rioting and blame it on the police. As police funding has been decreased the crime rate has risen with no acceptance of responsibility by those making the decisions to reduce the police forces.
In 2000 George W. Bush was elected to the presidency with the democrats refusing to accept the election. The Supreme Court decided the election and then the Florida recounts proved that the court had got it right. The democrats led by Hillary have continued to this day to deny that Bush was fairly elected. After his assumption of office he was constantly derided by the media as dumb and a very poor speaker. His college GPA was low therefore he was not smart enough to be president. His GPA was the same as his opponent by the way. I did not agree with his decision to go into Iraq and still do not agree that it was a wise move but he did and we have had to live with the consequences since. After his re-election the derision continued and I never heard a kind word from any of the press about him or his actions as president. The scorn continued until his departure and ended with name calling and just mean treatment that was way beyond any kind of journalism.
The Fall of 2008, brought us a new President and the first black man to hold the position. I, as many of my republican friends, were unhappy with the election loss but again proud of our nation to elect a black man to its highest office. The problem of racism had been conquered and those that still hung on to it were in the small minority. A black man had won the highest office buy obtaining millions of votes from white people. The media went wild with their praise and continued this until he left office. There were never any negative comments or name calling and his problems in office were constantly blamed on his predecessor, This was the first time in my life time that I heard a President blame the previous President for his problems but it happened and the media agreed. The republicans were still the bad boys and the media and the new President reminded us constantly about it. After a disastrous 8 years with the economy still not recovering and jobs going to China by the boatload the country had become divided over race, policing, foreign policy with the Iran deal and the American people were fed up. They elected a non-politician for the first time since Eisenhower. This President had no military service but was a very successful business man, He brought this to the White House like no other President before him. The problem was the democrats rejected his election and worked hard at trying to remove him. They even made up a dossier that caused an independent investigator to work for 3 years trying to find something that would allow his removal. When that failed they impeached him for the same thing that our new President bragged about doing. This man and his followers have been through HELL for 4 years while accomplishing more than any other President. He has been called every name in the book and laughed at, sneered at and never given credit for his accomplishments that no other President could do. Not only was the media after him daily but started joining Hilary with derision of any supporters of the President. It has been the most vile time in American politics and the left has been joined by the media and the big tech companies to get rid of him.
Trump was defeated in November but the election will always be in doubt since many of the states with democrats in charge of the administrations changed their election laws with out the consent of their assemblies and senates. This caused their elections to be unconstitutional but since their courts were also held by democrats nothing was done about it. Trump, rightly so, disputes the election as a fraud but since there was no judicial action he can do nothing about it. It made him mad! The protest that we just saw at the US Capitol was a macrocosm of bullying. It was a large group that has been derided for the last 20 years by the left and the media with a less than perfect election topping it off. Those being bullied have had enough and have reached their boiling point. What is different but expected the democrats have decided to protest the protest and blame it all on Trump. He may have egged it on a little but where were they with the rioting before or with the present Portland situation that they still will not condemn. I do not believe this is over and is just the start of those bullied to continue to protest the way they have been treated and it is going to get ugly before it is resolved if it ever is. I do not like violence and have never seen any violent protest or riot accomplish anything before and do not believe it will in the future but many will be affected by the actions of the last 20 years and the next few may decide whether or not this country survives.