Coup d'e.tat or Coup de grace

     I just wrote a blog about the incursion at the nation's capitol and here I am again.  The democrats had their Coup d'e.tat  after 4 years and a somewhat questionable election and you would think that they would be jumping for joy. Biden campaigned on bringing the country together and going across the aisle to heal the political divisions but apparently that is for later. Nancy and her democratic party want more. They want a coup de grace and complete destruction of Trump before he leaves office. My last blog accused the left of constant bullying and reasoned that it left a scar that will not heal soon. Now that they have won both houses and the oval office they are not happy but want to stomp on Trump and his 75,000,000 supporters. I have been hearing  once again that we are being called Nazis and again the ones doing the calling really do not know what a Nazi is. I grew up during WWII and remember exactly what they were and it is a little scary to see the parallels between the liberals and their co-conspirators the media's actions of late. Banning books from schools and shutting down media sites for conservatives are exactly what the Nazis did when they reached power. They were not happy with gaining power but continued to destroy anyone that disagreed with them and then the "Final Solution" came along, What is happening in this country right now is very scary to me and anyone that lived  through the war with the Nazis. The actions against President Trump in his last 9 days may have repercussions for years and this country may never recover to guarantee the freedoms we once enjoyed. The actions by a few at the capitol may be magnified if the coup de grace is carried out. As of now  Biden has decided to be president for,only, those that voted for him since he will not condemn further destruction of his political foes. What a shame!

     This weekend was not good for me. After Nancy came my Church. We have 2 liberal pastors and I have no problem with their sermons except when they become politicians. Sunday one of the pastors called the marchers and rioters, as a group, idolaters because some were carrying Jesus name on banners. I did not understand his reasoning but did know that Trump hatred exists in my Church. I'm ashamed of minister's oratory because his obsession with Caesar has become more important than worshiping Jesus Christ. You might say that obsession is a form of idol worship and his accusations of peaceful marchers being idolaters is shameful and does not belong in a Church. I mentioned to him that Jesus never did or said anything about Caesar and is proven when Pilot said he could find no fault in him before his crucifixion. I may not attend services there for a while. The pastors should be aware that Jesus was not fighting Caesar but his own Church where the leaders were worshipping power and privilege rather than GOD.

     After Nancy and Church I read the newspaper where on the headline on page 2 was "Professors share hypothesis on insurrection." Well this really made my day. Three professors from West Virginia University agree that the protestors were uneducated, misinformed and motivated by extreme ideology. I think I laughed and then started to realize that these people were teaching our young men and women. It was the professors that were still uneducated, and misinformed and they sit behind their tenured institutional wall looking down  on us as if they are the only ones that ever studied. Their experience has left them in a closet with little touch with the outside world and their subjects will never help any student make a living. It has always amazed me that writing a thesis on a very narrow subject gives one the knowledge of the world and suddenly is smarter that the world. It is a false world that they live in and with responses like theirs they are  to be pitied. Calling a group of thousands uneducated and misinformed is comical if you can stand far enough away to hear it. I have a lot of friends that are or were professors and they are experts in their respective fields but very normal in all other matters. If the professors that were interviewed  would watch something other than CNN or MSNBC and read a paper other than the New York Times they too might become as  informed as the marchers were.

     Well the weekend was going bad before noon and then it got worse.  The Steelers lost to the Browns and while I am a Steelers fan the game and loss made a lot more sense than the politics of the day. I am thankful that the Packers are still in the hunt. I am really worried about our country and the freedoms that I have enjoyed because they may be going away to satisfy political power that had demonstrated it to be more  important than answering the wishes of the electorate. Stimulus checks held up for 8 months to help defeat an incumbent president is an example.


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