The title says it all. After spending 2 trillion dollars on a supposedly stimulus bill Biden wants 2 trillion more for infrastructure and then about 2 trillion for jobs. He will have spent more in his first half year than the 2 previous presidents and all of it goes to the deficit. Jobs bill is a joke and mainly a coverup for the green new deal. I will not capitalize it because it is purely a marxist agenda and does little to create jobs.
A couple of weeks ago I went to our local Marriot hotel to visit a friend. The top floors of the hotel are condos and he lives there. While waiting for him to come to the lobby to meet us we noticed that the restaurant was closed even though West Virginia has opened restaurants without restriction for a while now. My friend explained that the restaurant operator has advertised for help for over a month and he has had only 4 responses. He cannot open because he can't get any people to operate it. My lawn care company called to tell me that they could not mow my grass this year because their people that usually did the mowing would not come back to work because they were making too much money on unemployment insurance. The small businesses in town are all begging for employees but are getting no response. This isn't new as a car wash that I used finally gave up and sold out because they could not get any one to work. They told me that people would answer ads and come in to ask for a job but indicated that they did not want to work until their unemployment ran out. Our government has expanded its policy of paying people not to work and penalizes them if they get a job by removing all benefits rather than continuing to help them until their jobs give them a living wage or enough to exist without help. We don't need unemployment insurance when a person is asked t return to work but that is not being the case now and many jobs are remaining unfilled because of this.
The jobs bill is not needed to create jobs beause there are more jobs now than workers willing to take them. Of course unless you look at the Keystone Pipeline and find many unemployed because the government canceled their jobs to win a grievance with Trump. There was no reason because the oil was going to be transported by rail and truck anyway. Of course that will actually cause more fuel to be used for the transport so stopping the pipeline really increases carbon emissions rather than make our country greener. Its called cutting off your nose to spite your face and Biden has made the emission of carbon worse by his action. The jobs bill will create job training for those that work in the fossil fuel area now but there are already about 12 or more job training programs now that accomplish almost nothing. The ability of a person born into poverty to move up the ladder and accomplish the American Dream will disappear in the future if this leftist movement is allowed to continue.
I have stated in previous blogs that the answer to replace fossil fuels is not going to be acomplished by a politician that wants to use the matter to advance his or her agenda which is what we are seing now. Amazon is advertising that it will be green in a few years with electric vehicles but will not tell you that the power to charge their batteries will mostly come from gas, oil and coal powered generators. They will have accompilished nothing but a big subterfuge and feel good moment. What is needed is another Manhattan Project as the one that created the atom bomb. A group of scientists that are devoted to only one idea or replacing fossil fuels for our energy production. A company in Canada is already on the way to a solution with carbon capture from the atmosphere and conversion to fuel that can replace gasoline and diesel fuel. The CO2 emitted would be reduced by the continual recapture and fuel production. You can Google the company and read about it's discoveries. It is "Carbon Engineering" and is doing some fantastic work. Think about a whole community of laboratories doing the same work to not only replace fossil fuels but save them for future generations to use in non-energy; fields such as asphalt, medicines and fabrics and paint. It would not only help our society but the future societies of the world. A system that would allow non-oil producing countries to produce fuels fron the atmosphere for their own use. The politicians could go back to leadership and societal protection instead of trying to tear it down to satisfy their selfish wishes for eveeryone to think the way they do. I guess it would be another revolution which is what we are going to have if the direction of our political leaders do not change course.
The jobs bill is not needed but instead we need the US Government to get out of our business and let the beautiful capitolistic society that we have work. It has before and will again. Redistribution of wealth has been going on for a long time and has proven many times that it doesn't work and in fact usually leads to dictatorships and destruction of societies. We have seen it happen from ancient Greece to the Pilgrims to the communes tried in this country such as the Oneida Community to the USSR. God help us if we don't wise up and return to common sense.