Our President just told the G-7 group that Global Warming was the greatest threat to our nation. He apparently did not hear the news of about fifteen years ago when the Global Warming became Climate Change because the earth had not warmed for fifteen years in a row. The temperature of the earth had stayed the same and that caused the Global Warming enthusiasts like Al  Gore to change the name to Climate Change to keep his theory alive and the money rolling in. NOAA or the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration decided to do something about the earth's temperature and changed the way they read the ocean buoy temperature reporting. They said that the readings were too low because of the water evaporating and causing a cooling effect therefore the temperature readings were interpolated higher than the actual reading causing the earth's temperature to rise all of a sudden. The fallacy in the maneuver was that it did not matter what or how the readings were interpreted but that they remained the same which would indicate that there was no change up or down. The change in reading satisfied those that had made Climate Change their religion and we are now seeing the world tasking us with future energy problems to solve it. It was really odd that Biden would tell the G-7 this since the USA is the only country that has continually reduced carbon emissions. During the Trump administration we reduced carbon in the atmosphere at a greater rate than we had promised to under former administrations but now this has become the greatest danger to us.

     The theories of atmospheric changes have been around for as long as man has recording his thoughts. In the fifties we were  entering another ice age and that did not turn out to be true so the pundits decided to change it to rising temperatures being caused by man. The influence of politics in scientific theories and facts has skewed the scientific results for years  just as they did when the Roman Church put Galileo in prison because he discovered that the earth went around the sun instead of the other way around. A few years ago I wrote a book about where we came from and what a high school biology teacher should present to their students. I presented three theories and at the end said that the scientist should tell the students that since they are theories and not proven the answer is "we do not know." This is the scientific answer but it is not accepted in our schools today because the religions of the world want their explanation and the atheists want theirs. While both have reasons for their respective positions they are  not scientific but beliefs which are fine for the individual but not in a science class. As a Christian I believe that God created us in his image and do not know how but the scientist should always use facts and proofs to change a theory into a scientific law or fact.

     We have just seen another example of politics influencing science in the Covid epidemic. The world is still arguing about where it came from but when Trump put forth a theory it was shouted down by the Trump haters. Now we see that it is a valid theory and may end up being fact. We were told about wearing masks or not and soon they became a new way to appear in public. I had to wear a mask at my gym this morning even though I was vaccinated  months ago. The vaccine was proven effective therefore after two weeks a person should not be able to get the disease or give it to someone else. This is scientific fact but the politicians did not want to give up their new powers and have continued to treat the vaccine as something that may work so we keep wearing masks and have to make reservations to go to Church.. Most of the messaging we have heard and seen in the major news media has been colored by politics and those wishing to discredit one person and credit their favorite politician. This action has caused great harm to out nation and put many small businesses out of business. We have targeted individuals and certain business without caring to look at the facts of their existence and continued operation. Many of them will not ever open for business again but the governors and other politicians do not care.

     I think it is nearly impossible to conduct science that is effective without a politician trying to influence the outcome. We are seeing it again in the search for clean energy. We hear wind and solar as the saviors but very few people have ever tried to research the energy problem and the city dweller has no idea how the cost of gasoline effects the suburban dweller. The idea put forward by the President of changing out the gas powered vehicles for electric  has no scientific base because we do not have the ability to produce enough electricity to power them now and will not using only solar and wind. It is a shame that scientific wishes have become a religion to many which prohibits much of the science to be done to solve the problem. The only way we will replace fossil fuels is by creating another Manhattan Project that has no political influence until completed. If we do not reverse course we will soon be electing our scientists along with the politicians.


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