If I were a news reporter and wanted to report truth without political bias I would start asking questions about the things that are affecting us the most. Right now the pandemic is affecting just about everyone but the news media and the Federal government are in lock step and each defends the other. The new mask wearing by vaccinated people is being propped up by the media by citing the raise in cases in Provincetown, MA. Its a joke because Provincetown is a very liberal city with a large gay population. and should have been following all of the Biden protocols but more than that it is a very highly visited tourist destination with main street filled with shops and restaurants. I have been going there every year except last year and omitted it from my travels this year because of the rise in Covid cases. It is a perfect place for the spread of a communicable disease with crowds of people in very limited space. I would ask what the infectious rate was in New York or Pittsburgh to compare the rise of the delta variant. Both the government and the media are pushing the idea that even if vaccinated you are very vulnerable to the disease which makes it hard to ask people especially young people to get vaccinated. The media is perpetuating the disease by reducing those getting vaccinated by just backing up what the CDC is saying instead of challenging them.
We have seen a great rise in crime and violence but the media is ignoring it even to not report the mugging of former Senator Barbara Boxer. The crime rate going up is not good for the left so ignoring it reduces the possibility of a voter rebellion against it. I would ask politicians what they are doing to replace the police that have been defunded or chased out of their jobs by the democrat run cities and states where most of the violence is happening like Chicago, Baltimore and St. Louis. When guns are mentioned as the cause and the media states murder statistics to back up the politicians against guns I would ask the politicians what they are doing about 15 to 20 teens being killed every week due to texting while driving. Some of the police that would reduce this have been removed from the roads and streets. I would ask what they are doing about the 15 to 20 teens that are committing suicide every week. I would ask why they are letting those accused of felonies out of jail with no bond.
With the new guidance from the CDC and the Presidents plea to start wearing masks and forcing federal workers to get vaccinated I would ask why are you, the President, letting thousands of illegals cross our borders with many testing positive but doing nothing about it. I would ask why do you then transport them all across this country and turn them loose with out a court date and no control over their disease or its spread. I would ask why are you treating aliens better than you are treating US citizens by letting them trample and rob border residents. I would ask why are you still paying people not to work when there is a worker shortage causing many businesses to limit their activity or shut down. I would ask why do you ask for a $15 minimum wage then pay $20 an hour not to work.
The many questions that are not being asked by our media is mind boggling and allows the federal government to run without any reason to explain their motives. A woman in Virginia asked what the local public school was going to teach her child when she entered school this Fall and was rebuffed. Finally they told her it would cost her $74,000 to get their curriculum. She is having to sue to find out what a kindergarten teacher plans to instruct her child. I would ask what is the school district hiding and what are they planning to indoctrinate the children with. This school refusing to reveal what they are teaching in America is quite scary to me and I would hope to every parent that plans to send their children to school this Fall. I would think that the reporters that could tell the world about this should be scared about what their respective children are being indoctrinated with. Hidden school curricula and school officials that work to keep them secret are reminders of Hitler's Germany when books were burned in the street. We do not do this in a free country but then I am not sure we are very free any more. My Church is still requiring sign ins with name and phone numbers for tracking and the Ministers are masked. I have been to two other Churches that have completely opened up but mine still does not believe in personal responsibility but has to protect its congregation just like the governments is trying to do to the citizens but without any science to back them up.
The Covid virus has allowed politicians a new power that many of them never had and they are holding on to it al long as they can. It has become the next election campaign and will not stop until that election kicks them out of office. The disease will be with us until herd immunity takes over and that will be when there is 70 or 80 percent of the population immune to the virus either by having the disease or getting vaccinated. With the government and media telling people that the vaccine is not working we will have to wait until a lot more people get sick.