The sermon this week was about Jesus giving his peace to his disciples and that it meant for us to live in peace until he returned. Peace toward our neighbors and even our enemies. What a world it would be if that were to happen.  I also continued to read the Old Testament and Micah was prophesying that the Kings and leaders of the Temple were complicit in Idol worship even though they went through the processes of worship. They had traded God for greed and power. So the sermon you won't hear is about our Church leaders and our country's' leaders

     During football season our Church sells parking to those attending the game. We use the proceeds to maintain the driveway and parking lot.  Our janitor and his wife manage the lot during the game for extra money and at one game the janitor's wife spilled a drink on her shirt. She replaced it with one she had in their vehicle. The shirt had a derisive saying against the president and vice-president. The instance made it to the senior pastor whom immediately put it on Facebook. A short time later the Pastor and his Pastor Parish Relations committee took action and fired the janitor. Now as you enter our Church you can see a message on the screen at the front over the pulpit that says this Church welcomes everyone and is inclusive.  I have yet to ask the pastor if being the wrong political persuasion is excluded. Some years back Our Bishopp  published a letter that our then pastor read aloud debasing Pres. Trump for his reported action and comments which later proved to be false. God and his son Jesus had to take a back seat for these pastors to worship their political idols. 

     Our presidents, governors and mayors plus those in the various legislatures were elected to represent all of us including those that did not vote for them. They take oaths to uhold the Constitution and laws of the areas they represent. Many swear on a Bible to uphold their respective offices. We expect that they have our best interests in mind and hope they will make life better for us and easier for some especially those at the bottom of the social ladder and wage scale. Unfortunately that has not been the case as we see many of the laws and statutes passed really hurt those at the bottom. Taxes as work levies in cities are paid by the minimum wage earners along with the sales taxes the reduce their buying power. People in the higher wage scales aren't bothered by a $3 a week tax but if you earn $7.50 an hour it is a lot of money to lose. The gas tax is a direct cost of working to those that cannot afford to live near their jobs and many rely on their vehicles to allow them to live in affordable housing in a rural area. Our politicians have passed laws allowing gambling, drug use and usuary that hits the lower income families harder. A few years ago the local sheriff told me that the robberies at Hot Spots were being done by half drug users and the other half people that lost their paychecks at the Hot Spot down the road. The poorer you are the more you try to get rich quick and gambling is one way to try.

     Our local city council has offered to pay part of the cost of moving a free medical clinic out of the city because the business don't want the clientele camped in front of their shops. They have already had the Salvation Army move  their food kitchen out of the city and want a mental health day room to move also. Elected officials that were sworn to protect and serve all people in the city have decided the  poorest and most needy should not be in the city, These are the same  people that our ministers and priests support rather than prepare a sermon condemning their actions. 

     Micah tells the Jews that they will be conquered by the Babylonians which at the time did not exist as a threat, and lose their country and freedom if they persist to replace him with idols. The prophesy came true 200 years later. We can continue to worship our elected officials as they seek riches and power or we can start to demand that they pass laws the really protect us especially those most vulnerable. We can make our worship leaders accountable for the sermons they don't preach and leave Caesar alone. I have yet to ask our senior pastor if that was the fiftieth time the janitor needed forgiveness, or he just skipped over the first 49. I also, have not heard anyone else that is upset over the action enough to speak out.


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