When I started this Blog about three and a half years ago I wrote a four part series on "KILLING IN AMERICA" and to write this one I had to refer back to those for some insight into what has happened since. Nothing has happened except more killing and politicians trying to win votes over the incidents. There is still the rush to ban guns and especially assault rifles by the left and push back by the right. The NRA is continually trying to defend itself but is the only nationally recognized training ground for the use of guns. The Vice-President went to Buffalo to talk with those that lost loved ones to a shooting at a grocery store and the President went to Uvalde to console those that lost their children and teachers to violent gun fire. Biden said he wanted to tear down the school that was involved and build a new one. The grocery store in Buffalo is closed now and the government is not going to build a new one. The killing still goes on with no answers to the root causes.
In the four blogs I wrote I pointed out some of the reasons for young people to commit such crimes but none of those reasons has been mentioned by the media or the politicians. They were the lessening of the crimes involving illegal drugs, the lack of highway patrol and law enforcement to reduce traffic deaths, changing the format of our entertainment to reduce the violence that we feed to our children in electronic games, television and movies and the government's creation of a group of people that are dependent on government checks and have never had to develop any responsibility to themselves or others. They have become slaves that do not have to work with a lot of free time to delve into crime and drug use and sale. And the last and maybe the most important is the decline of religion in the classroom and public spaces. The great religions of the world all are for loving your neighbor and this ethic has been removed from our society. The only thing mentioned is gun control.
21 children and adults were killed in Uvalde and if compared with traffic deaths they are 5 Uvaldes every day. There are 2 Uvaldes each month in Chicago and there have been 10 in St. Louis this year. These apparently do not count because there has not been any visits by the Vice-President or the President to these cities. The gun control in these cities has not worked and it is blamed on the purchase of guns outside of them. There are about 15 thousand murders each year in this country and about 8 thousand of them are caused by gunfire with the rest caused by other means. There ae 40 thousand traffic deaths in this country with no guns involved, I have a AR15 rifle which many call an assault weapon but it is almost the same as my 22 hornet that I had many years ago to shoot varmints on the farm. Most of the murders caused by guns are committed with pistols and not rifles or shotguns but the rifle with a large magazine can cause a large casualty count very quickly and should not be sold to young people with out a completion of training and a background check that really works. The Buffalo gunman should not have been able to pass a background check but he did. The laws that govern these checks are being enforced in the same way that speeding and reckless driving laws are. You can make new laws but without enforcement they will do nothing and defunding the police that are needed to enforce these laws makes it even sillier to pass them.
If we collected all of the guns from everyone in the country including the crooks we would save about 8 thousand lives if other means of killing did not happen. If we put speed cameras and traffic device cameras into our road systems with increased patrols we may get our traffic death toll reduced in half. I doubt that this will ever happen because some politicians will be voted out of office. The killing will continue until we look at all of the causes and stop getting sidelined by those that hate guns or do not want to really take this very politically active use away. They could start in Chicago and oust the politicians that are seemingly willing to live with the carnage there. It is going to take a lot of prayers of prevention before anything changes and in the meantime the killing will go on and the constant result will be that the gun caused it.