When Joshua entered the promised land with the Israelites God instructed him to kill all of the inhabitants he encountered including men, women and children. He was to destroy everything and take no booty. He did not complete this request and made truces with some of the Canaanites and eventually the Jews intermarried with them. The idol Moloch required child sacrifice to gain his blessing and this was practiced by the Canaanites and intermarried  Jews. Child sacrifice has been part of Satin's plan since God allowed him his freedom to temp us. The modern version changed the sacrifice from  killing children to aborting them before they were born. It even has extended to aborting a child when partially born or soon after the birth. When Roe was overturned by the Court it told Satin that his idol Moloch was no longer a national God and could no longer require child sacrifice without a state's permission.

     After the American Revolution our new nation had to establish a set of laws to allow a peaceful society to exist. The British Common Law was incorporated but with changes to the penalties for the crimes that people were convicted of. The British used the death penalty by hanging for most of the crimes including stealing a loaf of bread.  Jefferson and Madison along with others fought to change these penalties to much lesser sentences. When the Constitution was ratified the sentence of death for a crime was left to the states unless the crime was deemed a Federal crime such as a traitor. Each state derived their own penalties for the crimes committed in their respective state including the death penalty. At that time abortion was considered a crime of murder and not allowed without penalty. 

     The commandment that says we cannot kill another human being has been followed by most religions and societies for centuries. The only killing allowed by our society has been the penalty for murder and many states have removed the death penalty for long imprisonment. When the Supreme court passed Roe they allowed people to kill their babies before birth with out any input by the states which was not a power the Constitution had granted to the Federal Government. It was not passed into law by the Congress and had no basis within the laws of our land except the Supreme Court took it upon themselves to create a new law and a new right that had not been given by the Constitution. Somehow the idol Moloch had influenced the court to allow child sacrifice once again. Now that the court has recognized that it had acted in error and reversed the decision, Moloch will have to work  to get each state to vote for abortion within their respective boundaries.

     This morning my minister said that we had experienced whiplash this week without saying what he meant. I sure hope that he was not referring to the Supreme Court's decision on abortion because Christians, Jews and Muslims should all agree that abortion or child sacrifice is a sin and should not be even contemplated unless a doctor-patient relationship requires it as a last resort. Politicians are not and should not be the ones to judge that relationship and make the decisions that would affect the outcomes. The argument that a woman has the total control of her body is false when she allowed a man to take over and cause her to become pregnant. Now both the mother and father should have control. Millions of lives have been removed before they had a chance to live and breathe and take part in society. We will never know how much we have lost because of this and how many young mothers have been misused and abused by the abortion procedure. As a young medical technician, I was called to do blood work on many women that had miscarried and needed a D&C operation. I never saw one that was not extremely emotional over losing her baby. It was a horrific moment in their lives and should not be something that we just  take for granted that abortion is just another operation. It can have very lasting effect on the mother through out her life.

     I would hope and pray that each state takes the abortion question seriously and does not let it become a political maelstrom but a look at the totality of a society that does not care about their progeny more than just killing them when it seems fit. I, also, pray that my minister is more interested  in God's way than our way.


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