Five years ago I started this BLOG due to the local paper's refusal to print my "Letter to the Editor" that rebutted another letter stating that our founding fathers were happy about the Affordable Care Act. The editor said that I could not rebut a professor emeritus of political science. Her side of the story is all anyone ever heard in this paper. I have tried to present factual information and have labeled my opinion when written as that. This morning I read a letter to the same paper that called the Republican plan put forth for this election as half-truths and lies. She continued to state that they wanted to put women in jail if they had an abortion and forgot that it is up to individual states to write their respective abortion laws. Because of Jan. 6, she states that republicans have no credit in trying to solve the crime problem and that they say the economy is bad because the low unemployment. Apparently, she has not bought eggs at $4or gas at $4 or found out that groceries have risen beyond many peoples' reach to feed their families. The boarder is not open, and the fentanyl problem is only by the citizens bringing it across the border for their own use. Apparently, she is unaware of 100,000 deaths from the drug in 1 year and most are young people. She further states that Trump refused to sign an immigration bill but forgot that he tried to get the democrats to pass a dreamers bill that would lead to citizenship.
I actually understand her biased point of view and her apparent misinformation that she is trying to disseminate. Our media has expounded the same rhetoric that she is saying and has refused to print or air both sides of each story or just refused to allow a story out that is anti their biased politics. We have seen the media respond positively to democratic objections to election results but jump on republicans asking if there was foul play at the election box. A republican is shot at a baseball game without mention by the left but when a democrat is hurt by a hammer it is the news of the day. Both are egregious acts and should be treated that way but picking and choosing the stories that support your politics and refusing to report anything that would support something else is not journalism but simply propaganda and censorship that was practiced by the totalitarian governments of the past and those that are dictatorships now.
The freedom of the press is guaranteed by the Constitution and for the reason to keep elected officials on the right path when doing the peoples' business, The press is like another branch of government when it works as was planned by Constitutional framers and keeping elected persons' feet to the fire was their purpose by exposing what they were doing both good and bad. If one or two decide that they are more interested in taking part in the election process by siding with one party over the others, they no longer are true members of the press but simply another political bloc for the party they support. If this were the case, there would be a small amount of disinformation getting out and would be rebutted by the rest of the journalistic media. That is not what is happening now because the majority of the media outlets have become political blocs that support the democratic party even when it is allowing open boarders, great increases in crime and destroying our economy for a small extremist climate position. Destroying our country by refusing to allow religious thought and action which is also guaranteed by the Constitution, is happening every day in our schools and force feeding our children to learn sexual preferences in school instead of the three r's has lowered their test scores to the point we are lagging behind many other countries in the world.
The woman that wrote the letter with the hatred of the republicans has heard much of what she said from the media that she is getting her information from, and the rest is made up to support her political beliefs which have become her religion. I do hope that she can sometime hear the other side with clarity and start to make decisions based on fact instead of biased disinformation.