A mother testified that she found a breast binder in her young daughter's bedroom. The daughter told her that her school social worker told her to get it to de-emphasize her developing breasts and she did not have to tell her parents about it. The mother was horrified and wants to take action against the social worker and the school. A teacher and Christian in California was fired because she refused to not tell parents about sexual and trans information including taking puberty blocking drugs in public school. There have been many other cases where public schools have decided to indoctrinate children in sexual attitudes and desires without a parent's permission. Fifty years ago these actions would have been illegal and against the law. The perpetrators would have been arrested and charged with sex crimes. Today the same actions are protected by local school boards, county, city and state laws and prosecutors that refuse to prosecute. The only answer is to elect new school boards, elect new state legislators and, or go to private schools. All of the above have been happening but not soon enough or too little.

     Our public schools and many universities have chosen to indoctrinate students to their way of thinking instead of educating them to be able to think on their own. CRT or critical race theory and the 1619 project have been introduced to counter Dr. Kings wishes to judge each individual on his or her character. They are teaching children and college students to judge each other by skin-color with white people being guilty of having privilege over the other races therefor white people are guilty of sin because of their skin color. The 1619 project teaches that the US is guilty of slavery from the earliest colony in America to today and forgot that slavery was forced upon the colonists by England to grow cotton and tobacco. Reparations are front and center again but those wanting them  have never been slaves and those giving them have never owned a slave. The reparations were paid when freeing the slaves during the Civil War with a dead white man for every 6 slaves freed. The cost was great, but many have forgot that cost and want to get some free money on the backs of those that lived many years ago. Again, our children and college students have ceased to be educated and the history that could benefit their decision making and thought processes has been changed and diluted to preclude them from falling into the socialist trap that many other countries have had.

     Another shooting has happened on a college campus and once again gun legislation is top and center, except it could have prevented this occurrence. The shooter was arrested for an illegal gun, but the charges were reduced and without jail time the shooter was able to obtain another gun. The liberal "soft-on-crime" mentality has caused many criminals to repeat their offenses and more gun laws will not work if prosecutors refuse to take the action to remove the offenders from society. Passing laws and not following them seems to be the government's mainstay now starting with the President and his boarder problem. Many liberal cities and states have diluted their actions against criminals to the extent that in New York they are let out on the street right after arrest. California allows a person to steal up to $1000. before calling it a crime and has caused many businesses to close due to the constant shop lifting.

     Our country was formed by a group of people that believed in the Judeo-Christian ethic and framed the constitution and laws around those. The right to religious freedom, freedom of speech and freedom of the press in the first amendment were the backbone of the new republic. As religion was the belief of the great majority of new Americans the thought of losing that freedom has never been an issue until the last few years. Freedom of speech has not been a debate of the public until recently and the press has completely abandoned their responsibility that the founders accorded them. Religion is being attacked every day and not by an atheist group but by our government agencies and legislators themselves. Refusing to abandon one's religion to perform an act such as baking a cake for a same sex couple or praying on a football field after a high school game have been attacked by local jurisdictions and prosecuted all the way to the US Supreme Court. This is government trying to erase religious belief that it considers goes against its policies and local laws. Recently, a woman was arrested for praying silently across the street from an abortion clinic. She was standing across the street without impeding anyone and not saying a word but was arrested because she told the police officer that she was praying silently. Again, we see government trying to erase religion and protest that they disagree with while many of the liberal states and cities allowed violent protests and destruction of businesses and public buildings without trying to hold anyone accountable. The local government agreed with the protest, so it was allowed but one man kneeling in prayer is not. We have just heard that the FBI is investigating the Roman Catholic Church. The reason has not been given but is probably because of the Church's stand against abortion and same sex marriage. Once again the government is trying to remove religious freedom from our land and is protecting evil in a grand scale with the most powerful police force in the world. 

     The evil that we see happening every day in our country is terrible, but it is an atrocity when all of our government agencies including the US Congress are protecting that evil. The ethos of the founders of "Love the Lord your God with all of your might, heart and soul" has been replaced with worship greed, lust and power and hate anyone that disagrees with you. Our president cannot make a speech without disparaging half of the country that did not vote for him even though he is supposed to be the president for all the people. May God  help us before it is too late.



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