I have written a few times on the climate change and global warming issue with a negative approach because I do not believe that mankind has the power to change the earth's weather. I am not very popular with many of those that have made climate change their religion and will not discuss any of the scientific principles involved including thermodynamics and the capturing of the temperature of the earth. A few years ago I reported that NOAA had extrapolated the sea buoy temperature reading up about 1.5 degrees C because they believed that the evaporation of sea water was cooling the testing equipment. The average earth temperature climbed 1.5 degrees that year. To measure the change in temperature they did not have to change the readings but just look at the delta or change in the reported temperatures. Any change would have been logged as the temperatures increasing or decreasing. This change in the way the readings were interpreted happened after fifteen years with no significant change in the earth's average temperature. As a result we have been constantoy told that the earth is warming and that will cause terrible damage to our environment. The old "global warming" was changed to "climate change" because there was no global warming until the change in the sea buoy readings.
I have not paid much attention other than the politicians using climate change to further their agendas until now. A couple of weeks age a reporter on one of the main TV networks said that NOAA reported that the year, 2022, was the warmest year ever. Had the report stopped there I would have ignored it and went on about my business. I was not paying attention to the TV at the time and cannot remember which station I was watching. The reporter went on to say that, 2022, tied , 2015 as the highest temperature ever recorded for the earth's average. That statement made the first statement untrue as, 2022, equaled the highest temperature and was not the highest as that had already occurred. It, also, said that the earth had not warmed up any since, 2015, which was about the time the sea buoys were re-extrapolated, and in between then and now the earth must have cooled a bit. These two statements by a reporter completely blew the global warming or climate change problem completely back into the fake science that it started out to be before it became a religion.
The use of fake science has made a lot of people a lot of money at the expense of the American people. Our energy policies and shut down of the fossil fuel industry has cost uS dearly and has ben one of the greatest causes of poverty with loss of jobs, cost of heating homes and the inflation caused by the increase in transportation costs. When trucking expense goes up it is passed on to everything being transported as we have seen in the last two years. It was the same during the fuel shortages a few years ago. The rich get richer and the poor pay for it as we have seen lately. The politicians have used climate change to shut down the great American dream for many and caused the fake science to permeate our education system to sustain it. It is time that those spreading the lies are challenged to explain their science in a scientific way other than dictating to us their beliefs and policies. The only way to do this is at the polls with elected officials that will open their minds to common sense and true facts as the reporter said.