It was 248 years ago when a group of brave men signed the Declaration of Independence with the threat of hanging. It stated that God created all men equal and they had the right to live and pursue happiness. And, yes there was still the question of slavery and if you read the first draft available on the Montacello web site, you will find it freed the slaves and blamed England for the introduction to the colonies. These same men went on to fight a war for freedom and start a new country that was different from any the world had ever seen. It guaranteed freedom to speak your mind and to worship as you please. It also, granted the power of the ballot to elect the leaders to the common folk. I believe that this was God"s last attempt to give men a way to worship him as they pleased. The original colonies except Virginia were started by various religious sects such as the Pilgrims, Puritans, Quakers, Shakers and even the Catholics. These colonies were going to be able to practice their religion in any of the 13 colonies and the future states that were to be added later. It worked and even the Jews were finding refuge from persecuton in the new America.

     This new country would soon lead the world with strength and power and be the place of refuge for those being repressed or driven into poverty from all over the world. It was started by immigrants and the growth was from new immigration which has been a refuge for all peoples and all religions  until now. We have seen the abolition of slavery and a constant attempt to bring those into our society and it has taken a little longer than expected but with a black president and now a black vice-president with many mayors and high office holders in our major cities we have come a long way. The latest equality endeavor has been for those that were suffering sexual disforia and did not receive equal treatment . They have been guaranteed that they can expect the same rights and privaleges as everyone else. We are making headway until many of our educators have decided the headway we are making is not enough. They have indoctrinated our children to believe that if you are white you are automacticall guilty of racism and your privalege should be diminished. We have seen that Congressional members have decided that freedom of religion doesn't go to Jews any more and some have joined in the latest movement against Israel. 

     It is hard for me to fathom that it is wrong and punishible by fines and  imprisonment for hate speech and hate crimes against many of our different peoples such as black, LGBTQ, latinos and others  but the asians can be discriminated against inour colleges and universities and now these same learning institutions are allowing discrimination and hate speech against Jews with little or no punishment. I wrote a blog call Jerimiah a while back that told us the future of the world if we did not turn back to God. I just finished Matthew and read the same from quotes of Jesus. Prophecies for 3000 years have described the actions many are taken today and it is scary that we can read history and still ignore and repeat it. The evil in the world has infested this once great country that became the hope for so many but now the hope is gone for the normal family and has been given to the radical islamist and the drug dealer and the politian seeking more power and wealth at the expense of his or her constituents. I'm sure God is crying because this gift given to us as the USA has seen Eve once again take a bite out of the apple.


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