COUP d' e tat X 2

     Removal of a head of state before his term is up is usually done  in third world countries  but we have become close to that definition.  The democratic party has successfully removed the president from running for the next term of office thus knocking down a president that had secured the nomination already. They could have used the twenty fifth amendment but that would have taken him out of office now instead of at the end of his term. They tried that to remove Trump many times for made up excuses including mental problems. It is for all intents and purposes the removal of a head of state for political purposes. It is the second time they have done this with the election of Biden in 2020. With the help of the media they demonized Trump to the point that many voters were willing to vote for a tenured politician like Joe but those same voters were not given the true state of Joe's mental capacity. With the help of covid they kept him in his basement to prevent what we  saw at the last debate. This deception by the democratic party prevented Trump from attaining a second term and put a simple minded person in as president of the USA. This was in effect another coup d' e tat and removal of a political rival to preserve political power and ability to gain power for the future. It ended up as a complete failure with the cover up of Joe's mental disabilities being hidden from the public and many of those in government. The addition of Harris brought the black and female vote to Biden along with the Trump haters that had been worked on by the democratic congress and the media for four years. The democrats ended up with a mentally deficient president and a vice-president that was completely out of her element and showed it daily by her inaction in everything that she was tasked to do. Her answer  was a laugh at everything that  should have been considered important.

     The fix was in and we still do not know who became the puppet master that led Joe around to make the decisions that he did. I was never a Biden fan since he cheated in law school at Syracuse University which is also my alma  mater but I know that he would never in his right mind , open the border and approve the dismantling of police forces. He would never given Iran their power back and become the total laugh of the world in his foreign  policy. We were completely snookered  with the daily and continuing coverup of his mental problems and this in itself should be prosecuted as a crime against America. The debate opened the floodgates and all  finally found out what the democrats and the media had been covering up. It will be a long time before anyone can believe most of the media and their constant hate speech about Trump while lying to the public for many years about the condition of our president. This is the largest conspiracy this country has ever seen and because for the media's total bias and the half of the country that  has believed the lies it will never be prosecuted. Our only hope is that four more years of a Trump administration will remove the power of the actors  that perpetrated the crimes of lying and installing a proxy president. Without this this country will truly be a third world socialist country and the world that has depended on us for its morality and purpose will fall even  farther into oblivion. May God help us as he did by turning President Trump's head.



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