This morning I heard some hearsay from the pulpit. Our minister read a missive from the head bishop, Bruce Ough, about the Trump meeting behind closed doors in which one of the members reported that the president had said that people from some countries were “shit holes.” The minister did not say shit but let us know what he meant. The missive went on calling the president a racist and other names and that we as a church did not condone his actions. The reading ended with a prayer for the president, which I partook in.

     I was dismayed that my church would read such a thing and that a bishop heading one of the larger protestant churches would write such a thing. I am not saying that I know what the president said behind closed doors, but others present did clarify his remarks as being descriptive of countries and not people. While the description might seem shocking to many, the liberals have been telling us for years that we could not send illegal aliens back to many of the countries involved because they would be mistreated and the countries were less than civilized. The misquoted statement of the president was splashed all over the world by the media outlets that want to discredit Trump at any time they get a chance. I was quite taken aback when I heard that my church bit on the first report without any further confirmation of the story. Apparently they, too, are ready to jump at the first chance to discredit the president.

     A little over two thousand years ago, a religious group tried and convicted a man using hearsay and hatred of his challenge to their power. They hung him on a cross and killed him. He had done nothing wrong and only asked people to love each other. My church should get back to teaching the story of love rather than hate and using hearsay to discredit someone that they disagree with. I would suggest the bishop return to seminary and rethink what he went there for. I do not know what was said in that meeting and that a member would come out of the meeting with a tale to discredit the president tells me that that member was not honorable or unbiased enough to even attend the meeting in the first place.

     Trump is draining the SWAMP but it is taking a toll on him. His nonpolitical manner and talk is hard for many, but I am looking at his actions. At this time, they are the best I have seen out of a new president in some time.


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