After one week of fuming about the letter from the Methodist bishop and read by my pastor in church last Sunday, I am still at a loss why an educated man would run with such a blatant back stabbing event by a politician. Sen. Durbin repeated what he said he heard, but others in the same meeting heard it differently and one member said that most of the people in the closed door meeting were shouting profanities. The only reason for the bishop to run with this to discredit the president was to use anything he could to back up his preconceived conclusion that the president was a racist. He presented no other evidence or actions that he used to reach his belief.
The bishop and my pastor have apparently inserted liberalism into their religious beliefs. To insert politics and hatred of the president who beat their candidate into a church service has no other reason than promoting liberalism. Their Christian mission has been compromised by their political beliefs and elitism. I have been waiting for the bishop’s letter on his outrage at Planned Parenthood and their sale of fetal tissue harvested from abortions. I have been waiting for a letter about a president that forced nuns to buy health insurance with birth control. I have been waiting for a letter with the bishop’s problem with his fellow liberals in Hollywood teaching our young to use guns, to drink, to use drugs, to misuse sex and misuse language. The letters have not arrived. There have been no letters about the degradation in the morality and Judeo-Christian ethics in our country. I have not heard anything in church about the removal of Christian symbols and the Ten Commandments. When the cross and the word “Christmas” were removed from public places, it was never mentioned that Christianity was under attack. But one political attack by an opponent to the president, and a letter is fired off instantly. Pres. Obama called us out for carrying our religion and guns but not a word from the bishop. Calling half of the electorate “deplorables” did not raise any response, and a president changing his definition of marriage from between man and a woman to include same-sex marriage brought not a peep.
I think it is time for the bishop and my pastor to get on their respective knees and ask God to give them the information they need to preach through the Holy Spirit instead of listening to MSNBC and CNN. We need my church and all other churches to return to preaching the story of Jesus and his wishes for us.