Yesterday was Sunday, and as usual I went to church. When I came back home, I sat in front of the TV to listen while I read the newspaper. The TV was tuned to Pittsburgh ABC, and I left it there to get some local Pitt news later. Martha Raddatz was anchoring for George, and I listened as she did the normal start to the Sunday show, which is about 10 minutes of negative Trump. Later she invited a panel on the show, of whom I knew none, but I did not care as I was still reading. The discussion started about impeaching Trump and caught my ear. For the next 20 minutes ABC News pondered when the left should start to talk about the upcoming impeachment. There was no discussion of “high crimes and misdemeanors” or any other reason for impeachment. By the way, impeachment means indictment—not conviction and removal. So many are being misled about the left’s intentions because they will not have enough votes in the Senate to convict—the same that happened to Bill Clinton. There was no discussion as to why there would be an impeachment but simply that there would be one and when was the best time for Democrats to talk about it. Mainly, it was discussed that such talk would help or hinder the mid-term elections, and as impeachment was a sure thing that was the only issue. Would talk of it help elect more Democrats or would keeping quiet about it help the election of Democrats?
I had to get out a biography of John Adams after this and look up his signing the “Aliens and Sedition Acts” in 1798. The Sedition Act would have made the ABC crew guilty of Sedition against the president and the administration, and subject to jail time. Of course Jefferson repealed the Acts as they were unconstitutional and violations of the First Amendment. The Acts were enacted by Congress for acts by foreigners against the new American government and to prevent acts of war from being fomented. Two of the most precious freedoms that we have are the freedom of speech and the freedom of religion. Even today the United Kingdom does not have that much freedom, and it is unlawful to speak publicly against the Crown. A young lad that caddied for me in Scotland a few years ago went to school with Harry and told me that he was a nice young man but to say anything further would put him in jeopardy of prosecution. He did not have free speech. The ABC News organization posing as a true news group is false, and their pure reporter, Martha, was not reporting any actual facts or items of news. She and her panel were still on Obama time and reporting the Democratic Party’s version of “hope and change.” Such sedition by a world-known news organization is despicable. A major American news outlet was actively trying to sell the impeachment of our president to the American audience. There were no facts or backup to any of the discussion, just “When should we start talking about the impeachment of President Trump?” It made me sick and further increased my belief that our major news outlets are part of a movement headed by the Democratic Party to oust the president instead of legislating as they were elected to do. I cannot find any excuse for anyone to vote for a Democrat this fall other than to express hatred and divisiveness.
I’m amazed every day at the number of intelligent people I know who cannot say anything other than hate and dislike for Trump and his supporters. Some people that I have been friends with for years will avoid me now and others will not speak. While we have freedom of speech, only half of the country can exercise that freedom without retaliation. I have lived through WWII, went to college with Korean vets, worked with Viet Nam vets, played golf with retired Iraq vets, and now I watch young men and women coming home after combat, some without legs and many in coffins. And while these young—which I believe are the best of us—give their lives and decimate their families, our politicians cling to a perceived power that they think is worth more than a man’s or a woman’s life. Shame on them and shame on us for letting this happen. We should stop watching anything on TV except Tom and Jerry. At least the good guy usually wins.