I wrote an article about an illness that I have been dealing with and used it to express some thoughts about the “Affordable Care Act.” The other part of this story is my relationship with my God, and suddenly it became important to me to tell the rest of the story. During the last days of my symptoms and before I had a diagnosis, I was sitting down and wondering what was going on with my health. At 80 years old, one does think about longevity now and then. As my depression increased I suddenly felt warm and was turned to think about a friend who was also having a problem. I became aware that I was being pushed to think about someone else rather than myself. I was going to be all right. I had just experienced Jesus answering my prayers with a push to help someone else. I had seen and felt the Good present in the Universe.

     Yesterday I saw the opposite. I saw the evil in the Universe express itself in front of the whole world. Members of the US Senate, which is the second highest elected office in our land, became a rabid pack of wolves that were attacking a citizen with repeated vocal swords and sabers. Ridicule, shame and constant demeaning by the people who were elected to help and protect us pointed to a man because he was nominated to a job that they were supposed to confirm or deny based on previous performance. I saw the attempt to utterly destroy a man, his family and life’s work to fulfill their demented ideology and hatred of views other than their own. I saw Satan at work with a lot of help. These are the same people who oppose our president because of his uncouth manner in some areas and respond to him with name calling and abasement. The whole scenario made me sick. The destruction of a human being without indictment, plea or trial but assumed guilt based on their wish to derail a political process. At the same time, they used one of their own to accomplish their scheme and have destroyed her future of living a normal life while making her an object of scorn by some and of pity by others. Her private life is over.

     Why, why are these proceedings so necessary to some to go to the extremes that were seen in this display that appeared the same as the Romans throwing Christians to the lions? I can think of two answers, which are their hatred of our president and anything that he tries to do but, it’s probably more to the probability that this judge may be the tipping point in a case involving the abortion of unborn children. Two sick reasons to destroy someone but then the question of abortion has been first and foremost the most important issue to many liberals for many years. I never understood why persons who would never have an abortion were so vehement about the right to do so by others.

     The first time that I saw the word “abortion” was on a laboratory request slip I received to perform a blood test on a young woman who had just miscarried and lost her baby. I was a medical technician and had been called to the hospital that evening for an emergency, which turned out to be this case. I proceeded to do the blood draw and complete the tests but only remember that each time I was called for this diagnosis, I went home feeling sad for the woman who was having a hard time dealing with her loss. I was always amazed at the love these women had for a baby that they had never seen. Their loss was real and hard. Aborting a fetus on purpose was not thought of then and only happened in back alleys for those who were rich enough to arrange it. It was hardly ever heard of. There were quick marriages now and then, but never mention of terminating a pregnancy with a forced miscarriage.

     One afternoon I received a lab order for a type and crossmatch for two pints of blood for the delivery room. I ran to the delivery room, gowned, and went in to take a blood sample. The young woman I saw was a person whom I had grown up with. She was having a baby fathered by rape by her father. I wished that she could have had an abortion. I have thought about this for many years, and when the abortion question came up years ago I had trouble reconciling my thoughts about it with my Christian belief. I still do. The Commandment that states “Thou shall not Kill” is sometimes translated to not murder. We as a civil society do not kill except in war, to defend ourselves, to punish felons who commit murder or treason. Even with these acts, we often question if our actions are necessary. The death penalty is being replaced because it is thought to be cruel and unjust, and those killed by police or in defending ourselves against predators is looked at in the courts very seriously. A pregnant woman can abort her unborn baby for little or no reason, and most are being aborted as a method of birth control. We can kill the future progeny without batting an eye and are willing to destroy a person before a Senate committee to preserve that right. The people using abortion are in many cases the poor and underprivileged who have been forced into our modern-day form of slavery. We offer assistance in housing, food and basic necessities, but we take it away if there is any attempt to go to work to increase their chances of returning to a normal life. We stick these people in a situation that is almost impossible to get out of and then offer abortion to reduce their population. A young woman who has succumbed to sex to be able to find someone who cares for her for a short time and then aborts the fetus only to repeat the scenario over and over again. And, in the process she is destroying any chance to leave her induced slavery to try to live life as others do. With the help we give, she will be imprisoned in her fate for the rest of her life. I think back to the many women that I did blood tests on who had lost their babies, and I cannot believe that those having abortions aren’t also suffering at their loss.

     The evil of our treatment of our citizens is hidden with the gift of money and services that were designed to cover up the tragedy of our poor. Abortion is another way to resist doing the things that would really help with education and training and continuing to aid those who work at trying to change their lives with work and accomplishment. It has been too easy to hide behind that blanket that covers one of our greatest tragedies. To continue to use abortion as the chief driving political issue for many is as evil as the killing of a normal full-term baby as it exits the birth canal. Abortion is a medical procedure and may be as necessary as shooting the thief that is trying to shoot you to save a life. It is a medical procedure that should be considered as a medical solution by a competent doctor and not a bunch of politicians willing to destroy any opponent to their wishes. This is evil, and Satan is working full time.


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