Thirty years ago the US Congress and administration gave amnesty and a path to citizenship to millions of illegal aliens and were going to close the southern border to future illegal immigration. The first part happened, but the border has remained open to cross illegally and to the smuggling of drugs and other contraband. Until the present, the presidents have vowed and tried to stop illegal entry into the US but to no avail until Trump came along. His message as he ran was to build a wall and close the southern border to all illegal traffic. After two years he is still trying to make good on this campaign promise, but the political swamp in Washington, DC, has stopped him at every attempt. Until now, the protection of an open border has been by both parties with lobbyists calling the shots. The cheap labor has won out, with the drugs and other problems with gangs and criminals being just the cost of doing business.

     President Trump has finally taken a stand and refused to sign an appropriations bill unless there is money for his wall, but the Democrats have rejected any money for a wall even though they voted for a wall just a few short months ago. Their wish is not about the wall but to embarrass the president and prevent him from fulfilling a campaign promise. They are still dug in after another illegal alien killed a policeman, and they don’t seem to care about anything but political power. The president wants to do the same thing to the border that Nancy Pelosi had done to her San Francisco home. He wants to protect it with a physical barrier or a wall. Trump has put forth an effort to finally seal our southern border against illegal entry and maybe stop the flow of people and drugs. He is the first since Reagan to actually try to do something for the American people and protect them from gangs and criminals and to reduce the supply of narcotics, which are killing people faster than anything in our history. His valiant attempt to protect the US from illegal entry is being thwarted by a bunch of jerks who have forgotten what their oath of office was that they swore to. Most of them are the same politicians who refuse to give the president the money for the wall but have appropriated billions of dollars to protect the borders of other countries such as Iraq and Afghanistan. We pay for a large US force in Europe and Japan to protect their borders. They use taxpayers’ dollars to protect others but refuse to use our dollars to protect us. Many might call them traitors to the US population because they steal our dollars for others and refuse to do the job they were elected to do.

     There is no promise that a wall will solve the border intrusions, but there is more evidence that it will help than won’t. The wall that the Israelis built is working fine, and Trump’s wall will certainly help the situation at the border if only to slow down the crossings until a border agent can respond to the incursion. My first visit to Cape Cod took me to Hyannis, and the first thing I encountered was the Kennedy Compound, which was surrounded by a huge wall. I was told that the wall was built when Jack became president. It is still there today and is still protecting the Kennedys. After an intrusion into the White House grounds a few years ago, the fencing around the area was expanded to increase the protection it gave. The idea that is now put forth by the Democrats, that the wall is of no use and there are other methods to protect the border, is against all of the other walls and fences that have been built for protection from unknowns. If Trump’s will is immoral as Nancy Pelosi says, then so is her wall around her house.

     It is a sorry sight to see our political leaders constantly put their political power in front of the needs of the people whom they represent. They forget that they represent all of the people in their respective districts including those who did not vote for them. Perhaps Nancy and Chuck should realize that they will share the responsibility for the overdose deaths, the citizens that are hurt or killed by illegals, and the tax dollars taken from the American worker, which are used for aid to illegals who comprise a number greater than citizens receiving aid and the number of illegals who could have come to this country legally had they tried instead of crossing our border illegally. Every time a new drug addict is buying drugs that have been smuggled across the border, Nancy and Chuck are partly responsible because their attempt to embarrass our president is more important to them than doing what they swore to when taking their oath of office. I hope they become aware that they have joined a growing number of people who wish this country to fail.

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