The world is covered with the tears of Jesus Christ as we once again repeat history. I’m not talking about recent history but the 4000 years of recorded history. When the Israelites entered the Promised Land, Joshua was told by God to destroy all of the idols of worship and all of the idol worshipers. It was never completed, and after years of fighting the Philistines, the idols won. Well the Philistines are back, and they have brought the Canaanite Gods with them. Molech is the God who required child sacrifice and is at every abortion clinic. Ashteroth is the Goddess of fertility and is at every presentation of free sex in our entertainment. The idols are back and being worshiped once more. The degradation of our society has happened very quickly, and as Pastor Junius said last Sunday the Devil plays for keeps. We are seeing the complete breakdown of civil authority, and one political party is urging it to keep going. Hatred is rampant and so invasive that people are attacking statues of people who wrote our history. You have to be quite desperate to attack a chunk of stone for satisfaction of your hatred. Yes, the Philistines are back, and we have yet to learn anything about governing ourselves.


     A few years ago I was trying to find a parking place in a mall parking lot when I stopped to let a Black woman drive out of her space. As she drove past me she slowed, lowered her window and spat on the side of my car. I guess I had experienced some hatred and racism but did not know why. Growing up in a small town that was proud of being part of the Underground Railroad, many of my friends were Black and race was never mentioned. We were in school together and played together. We spent time in each other’s houses and thought that we were living a normal life. After leaving that small town, it became apparent to me that what I had grown up to know to be normal was not the same in much of the rest of our country. I went to Syracuse when Jim Brown became the first Black football player there, and we lived in the North. Through the years, I have seen the revolution of non-white people being more accepted into society. The sixties were filled with burning streets and marches to propel this promise of equality forward. Dr. King finally got his message across before being killed, and Congress acted to rectify the age-old problem of “All Men Are Created Equal” without rights being granted to some because of their race. President Johnson started the Great Society, which built government housing and granted welfare to many of those fleeing the South. The problem was that, after receiving the welfare, it was difficult to find a job that would allow the same standard of living. The freed slaves were enslaved again but without the chance of living the American Dream. A big problem at this time was the education system that never attained the ability to educate those living in the inner cities in the government housing. The poverty became generational. If a job was found, there was a loss of benefits, and without a good education there was little chance to find a job good enough to equal or improve the standard of living over that in the government housing and welfare payments. So with no job to occupy time crime and drugs became the main pastime with the formation of gangs to rule the streets. Here come the police to take the streets back and they are still trying to do just that.


     I have had a bad week. One of my ministers at my church wrote back to me that he was upset with me because I had written in a previous blog that it was easier to get into Walmart than it was to get into church. I had written to him about reading the scripture lesson from his cell phone. The other pastor did not like me pointing out his ideology when he posted that he did not care for the president with the Bible and compared him to Clinton at his impeachment. So you see that I am being prayed for because I don’t like cell phones in church services, and I don’t like that after a night of rioting and burning stores, a church with the president holding a Bible was the most important thing to write about. The drug that I am taking to control an autoimmune disease has side effects that are bothering me and making me irritable.


     Well, it has happened. We have been exposed to socialism/fascism. The pandemic has given our elected leaders the power to regulate our businesses and lives like never before. The liberal left is trying to prolong the shutdown probably to cripple our economy to prevent Trump’s reelection. But their objective of turning us into a socialistic society has come true. I went to church this morning in spite of our ministers’ telling us to stay home and watch them on YouTube again. The church was open, and I had to be tested and complete a questionnaire, with my printed name and signature, that included my temperature (97.1) before being allowed in. The pews were taped off with every third pew available. Each pew had tape separating it into thirds, making only the ends available to sit. The woman who sang during the mock collection wore a mask as she sang though there was no one within 20 feet of her. The ministers stayed away from those of us who attended when we left the church. I belong to a very liberal church, and when Trump asked for the churches to become essential and open their doors, I expected ours to defy that recommendation. They did. Closing churches is wished for by only one entity and that is Satan. He has succeeded for a while. What is really odd is that I have been able to walk into Walmart, drugstores and grocery stores with only the store trying to limit the number of people allowed in. I’m shopping with a hundred other people, with many not wearing masks and picking up fruits and vegetables with their hands and putting them back with no effort to sanitize them or protect the produce from touching. With 2 Walmarts and many groceries and drugstores, our incidence of viral infection has remained low—with most cases being in nursing homes.


     After 7 weeks I got a haircut. Since I’m bald, you might think that I probably didn’t need one, except that I had enough hair to make a Trump swirl. There were the 2 young women owners and another customer in a chair 10 feet from me at the hair salon. The shop had been closed for 7 weeks due to the governor’s orders, and the owners had not been able to receive any assistance though they had applied for a small business loan as soon as they were made available. They told me that they would have gone out of business if they did not have husbands who were working. When I was finished, they called their next appointment to come in. Last evening, my wife and I went to our favorite restaurant to eat. We were allowed to sit on their deck only, which was limited in seating. The rest of the restaurant was empty. We drank water out of paper cups and had a menu that was destroyed after we used it. The waiters wore face masks, and the tables were far apart. The restaurant had been closed except for takeout orders for 7 weeks with most of the staff laid off. Many of their competitors are going out of business because they could not survive 7 weeks of no income. My coffee shop has been closed except for takeout orders for 7 weeks and remains so along with many other shops and outlets.